Jeoungeun Lim's Layer Graph

Korean Artist Project
Oct 20, 2016 5:18AM

                               Jeoungeun Lim's Solo Exhibition

Traces of Cube★2016July09, 2005-2016, Mixed media on glass, Mirror, 20 x 20 x 0.5cm(each), 21 x 21 x 0.5cm(each)

Different shapes of squares that Jeoungun Lim presents are connected with her perspectives on life like unique photographs through a camera lens. Individual panels made by glass etching technique reflect lights and create simple and firm shapes like square. Endless layers of different shadows and colors group together and paint walls with many different hues. 

Illusion2016July09, 2009-2016, Acrylic on stainless steel, 14 x 16 x 0.2cm (each)

To the artist, the shape of square is a space with tremendous potential. Lim's works can be interpreted and approached differently based on how to look at her work. It depends on where to look at; a small part of a square, a group of squares, or the shapes created by the layers of light. Lim used a musical term to describe her square forms and called the series as ‘Variation of Cube’ because Lim didn't look at square only as a completed form. She focuses on newly created shapes after deconstructing and reassembling squares.

Variation of Cube201408, 2014, UV Print on glass, Plexiglas, 67 x 57 x 7cm

The shapes created by the angle and layers of light as Lim staged indicate the extended space and visual play. The surface of these squares is closer to a face rather than just a surface. Like side meets another side and they create layers, we encounter the artist in the work as well as ourselves looking at the work. Each square is an object, which is a part of creating a whole thing. A square itself can’t stand alone as a complete one. Like people interact with others in harmony and make up for each other's imperfection, the surfaces and lines are built upon each other and finally turned into a completed shape. Shadows of the glass panels with different colors are merged, in result, brand new colors are created. It is a new synergy, variation of cube.

Among the techniques to paint on glass, etching and serigraph (silkscreen) technique require a refined skill and patience. The square Lim elaborately engraved on the glass panel is a kind of language. Like words in a sentence, it makes it possible to communicate with others. Lim shows the time and sincerity she put in the work during the process and talks about small yet important things that we had not realized: the layers of repeated and accumulated time and the moment when we look at her works and meet our glances.  

Curated by Jung Hyosup

Jeongeun Lim is one of the participants of  Korean Artist Project, an online platform promoting Korean art.   

Click here to see the virtual exhibition 

Korean Artist Project