Andy Warhol


Dollar Sign

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Composed of one or more stylized dollar signs, the works in Andy Warhol’s brightly-colored 1981 “Dollar Sign” series embody the artist’s philosophy on the relationship between art and commerce. Made using several silkscreens for a bold and textured look, Warhol’s “Dollar Signs” appear as if they were lifted from a sketchpad or scrawled across a receipt. Separated from currency and expanded to cartoonishly large proportions, the series equates art with money. Warhol’s work was often seen as both a barometer and a criticism of American culture—in much the same way that Warhol’s “Coca-Cola,” “Brillo Box,” and “Campbell’s Soup Cans” series criticized American consumerism in the 1960s, “Dollar Sign” reflects the growing American obsession with wealth and status in the 1980s.

Dollar Sign by Andy Warhol