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Solo shows
Blind Sensorium: Antropología visual, MATADERO DE MADRID
A Card or Maybe Two – Modalities of Photography, Museo Nazionale di Fotografia Marubi
Armin Linke: Prospecting Ocean within Gallery of Futures Heatwaves, Conflicts and Solidarity, BOZAR – Centre for Fine Arts
Prospecting Ocean, Columbia University Collection
Carceri d’invenzione, within Broken Nature, Triennale di Milano
Foto/Industria 2019. Biennial of Photography on Industry and work, University Library of Bologna
Blind Sensorium. Il Paradosso dell’ Antropocene, Matera 2019 - European Capital of Culture
Group shows
Aquaria – Or the Illusion of a Boxed Sea, MAAT
"Spiriti”. Otto fotografi raccontano Giancarlo De Carlo a Urbino, Galleria Nazionale delle Marche
The Families of Man, Museo Archeologico Regionale d'Aosta
Critical zones. Observatories for Earthly Politics, ZKM Karlsruhe
Fauna of Mirrors, Chennai Photo Biennale
Remembering Landscape, LUCA School of Art - Brussels
The New Alphabet– Opening Days, Haus der Kulturen der Welt
Vom Leben in Industrielandschaften – Eine fotografische Bestandsaufnahme, Leopold-Hoesch-Museum der Stadt Düren und Papier-Museum Düren