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Solo shows
INFILTRÉES - 5 manières d'habiter le monde, Reiffers Art Initiatives
Life on the caps, Inaugural exhibition of B7L9, Kamel Lazaar Foundation
Life on the CAPS, University of Chicago
Cursed Objects, C L E A R I N G
Windy, The High Line
2 Lizards, Whitney Museum
Life on the CAPS, Nottingham Contemporary
2 Lizards, Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden
A presentation of works from MISSION TEENS: French School in Morocco, C L E A R I N G
Party on the CAPS, Julia Stoschek Collection
Group shows
All That We Have in Common, National Institution Museum of Contemporary Art
Baroque, Galerie Champ Lacombe
Watch and Chill 3.0: Streaming Suspense, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
Antéfutur, CAPC
Worldbuilding: Gaming and Art in the Digital Age, Centre Pompidou
Do Arabs Dream of Electric Sheep?, ICD Brookfield Place
State of Flux, Silverlens
Role Play, curated by Melissa Harris, Fondazione Prada