Back to AROUNDSPACE GALLERY at ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2019




Press Release


Opening Reception

Sat, Oct 26, 2019 from 3:00 – 6:30pm UTC
Dialect: A Group Show 方言:周围艺术群展 AroundSpace Gallery is pleased to present Dialect: A Group Show, showcasing recent works made by seven artists from different countries and backgrounds, in different stages of their careers. The seven artists in this group show do not seem to care about whether they belong to the group of Chinese art or Western art. What interests them the most is the spontaneous and persistent pursuit of poetry in their art practice. Though speaking different languages, they all choose painting as their primary medium, and share a belief that what painting can achieve cannot be replaced by other artistic media. Dutch artist Klass Gubbels, the oldest in this group, used a simple composition and thin-applied brushstrokes to portray some plain, or even boring geometric shapes in his still life painting. Seemingly influenced by Cezanne’s figuration style, his works also revealed some sort of oriental and Zen aesthetics. It is difficult to define Swiss artist Alois Lichtsteiner's art as abstract or figurative. In his snow mountain series, he used flexible brushstrokes to create a lofty landscape on canvas, which may exist either in real or in the imagination. Chinese artists Wang Jieyin and Ji Dachun's abstract paintings break the limits of medium or material. With lavish colors and diverse textures, they maximized the freedom and possibilities in painting. Based in Bern, artist Kotscha Reist is known for recreating real landscapes or moments on canvas, a tent in meadows, or a stack of boxes on the shelf. Through a sharp perception and sensitive touches, he filled a figurative subject with abstract feelings and metaphysical rationality. He Daqiao’s painting keeps to the figurative tradition of Academic art, which has solid contours and elegant colors, and brings the exhibition a new depth. Duan Jianwei’s portraits and landscapes provide an alternative possibility of figurative art. He described real objects from a subjective perspective, which branded his paintings with a strong individual style. 周围艺术很荣幸地在十月推出《方言》群展,汇聚来自不同国家、年龄与背景各异的七位艺术家,呈现他们在近期创作的精彩作品。 此次参展的七位艺术家似乎并不关心自己属于中西方艺术阵营的哪一方,而是在创作中自发地、执着地追求“诗意”。虽然各自所说的语言不同,他们不约而同地选择了绘画作为主要创作媒介,并且坚定地相信绘画的不可替代性。荷兰艺术家克拉斯·赫伯斯是此次展览中最年长的一位,年过八旬的他以朴素直接的构图和薄涂的笔触描绘了平淡得近乎乏味的静物,显然是受到塞尚造型风格的影响,同时又有一种东方美学的禅意。瑞士艺术家阿卢以斯·利希斯坦纳的作品很难简单地用抽象或是具象去定义。他的雪山系列介于想象和真实之间,以灵活的笔触在画面上精准地塑造了一个亦真亦幻的空远境界。中国艺术家王颉音与季大纯的抽象作品,突破了材料的界限,引入丰富的色彩和肌理元素,将绘画的创作自由发挥到极致。来自伯尔尼的艺术家科查·瑞斯特善于塑造真实可信的场景或者事件,不论是林间的一座帐篷还是架子上的一排纸盒,他都可以凭借敏锐的感触,赋予具象的题材一种近乎抽象的情感和形而上的理性。何大桥的作品秉承学院派的写实传统,以深厚的造型基础与典雅的色彩,为展览增添了厚度。段建伟的人物与风景则体现了具象绘画的另一种可能,在塑造客观对象的时候代入了浓厚的主观因素,为作品打上强烈的个人风格印记。

