Back to Vessels of Colour at ARTE GLOBALE
In this solo exhibit, portrayals of the metaphysical are at the forefront of Wei Tan's paintings. The following show aims to highlight Wei's artistic practice as it relates to her music and more, to allow an insight into the artist behind the magical vessels.
Press Release
ARTE GLOBALE is excited to showcase 'Vessels of Colour', featuring art by Wei Tan. Tan's paintings operate as a form of 'emotional purging', where the chairs themselves function as a grounding subject. Tan describes, when she 'stumbled upon the subject of chairs, I simply transferred the same urge to express into a more symbolic, real-life figure. It created a sense of predictability that was needed in my working process.'
Using the chair as a subject, Tan employs colour to deconstruct their realism and allow emotion to speak through them.