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Book signing 'The Dreaming' with Yasuhiro Ogawa @ Photo London

Fri, May 12, 2023 from 2:00 – 5:00pm BST
Book signing 'The Dreaming' with Yasuhiro Ogawa @ Photo London Date and time: 12 May 2023 at 1pm (UK Time - GMT+1) at Photo London - Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA - Booth F11 ‘The Dreaming’ by Yasuhiro Ogawa, was first published in 2020 comprising a collection of black and white photographs, shot during his travels throughout Asia over the past 30 years. Ogawa visited China (including Tibet), Myanmar, India, Cambodia and Latin America. For the artist, revisiting his negatives during timed of lockdowns and restricted travel, felt like reliving an old dream indeed. The beauty of Ogawa’s work lies in the emotional quality reflecting the act of travelling itself; the sensation of freedom, longing and waiting, the sweet boredom of a long train journey or simply feeling alive… Ogawa captures the world as otherworldly and fascinating as it can truly be. 'The Dreaming' (current third edition published by Sokyusha/ Blue Lotus Editions) topped the charts as bestseller#1 in the online book selling platform UK ‘Photobook Store UK’ in 2020. 《The Dreaming》-日本攝影師 小川康博 的攝影系列及同名攝影集,於2020年2月首次發布。書中展示出小川過去30年遊遍亞洲的旅途中所拍攝的黑白作品,包括中國、緬甸、印度、柬埔寨及其他亞洲國家。對於這位藝術家而言,重新審視自己的底片,感覺就彷似重溫一場舊夢。 小川 作品的美妙之處在於反映旅行本身的情感:自由、渴望和等待的感覺,長途火車旅行的甜蜜平淡又或是活著的感覺……小川 捕捉了這個世界的超凡脫俗和迷人之處。 於2020年,《The Dreaming》於600多本攝影書籍當中,脫穎而出登上了英國知名 Photobookstore 的暢銷書榜第一位。終於,大家發掘到這一顆滄海遺珠。目前最新推出的第三刷,由 蒼穹舎 及Blue Lotus Editions 聯合出版。

Book signing 'The Labyrinth' with Christopher Button @ Photo London

Sat, May 13, 2023 from 2:00 – 5:00pm BST
Book signing 'The Labyrinth' with Christopher Button @ Photo London Date and time: 13 May 2023 at 1pm (UK Time - GMT+1) at Photo London - Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA - Booth F11 ‘The Labyrinth’ by Christopher Button takes you on a late night journey through the meandering underground stations of Hong Kong. Button depicts some of the city’s most crowded locations as a quiet, dystopian world. Deeply inspired by cinema, he shot this series in medium format with his Mamiya 7 camera and Cine-Still film. The result, is a cinematic universe that echoes Hiroshi Sugimoto’s way of freezing time and an eerie maze reminiscent of Stanley Kubrick's horror. He creates a liminal space that offers solace and discomfort at the same time. It is relatable perhaps to those who felt trapped during times of uncertainty and tremendous changes. 於 2021 年夏季在 Blue Lotus Gallery 展出的 《迷宮》系列,成功於 Kickstarter 集資出版成攝影集!新晉攝影師 Christopher Button 拍攝的這個系列,捕捉了他在香港地鐵站度過的多個深夜,將這座城市最擁擠的空間轉化成了一個安靜的反烏托邦世界。 深受電影啟發的 Button,仍熱衷於節奏較慢的菲林攝影,整輯系列都使用中畫幅 Mamiya 7 相機和 Cine-Still 底片拍攝,有助讓他鏡頭下的地鐵車站更具影像感,從而創造出自己的小宇宙。其作品呼應 Hiroshi Sugimoto 凍結時間的手法,亦帶有 Stanley Kubrick 的影像風格,令人不安的同時也覓得慰藉。

