What role does image play when reality seems increasingly swept up in destructiveforces? How might chaos be expressed while still offering an escape? These are some ofthe questions that Tudi Deligne relentlessly explores to create drawings that both mirrorthe present while projecting towards another dimension of time and space.Working with charcoal, graphite or pastel, in both colour and black …
What role does image play when reality seems increasingly swept up in destructiveforces? How might chaos be expressed while still offering an escape? These are some ofthe questions that Tudi Deligne relentlessly explores to create drawings that both mirrorthe present while projecting towards another dimension of time and space.Working with charcoal, graphite or pastel, in both colour and black and white, the Franco-Swiss artist brings together various mediums and techniques to unlock new creativepossibilities. His sources of inspiration are equally diverse – children’s drawings,works by old …