The show is composed of ten works which present domestic spaces inhabited by artwork, collectible furniture, textiles, decorative objects, and nods to popular culture. The title of the exhibition, Jaune Brilliant, refers to colour, an essential element of Manford’s work. In particular, a yellow that reminds us of light, happiness, warmth, and intelligence. By entering the interiors created by …
The show is composed of ten works which present domestic spaces inhabited by artwork, collectible furniture, textiles, decorative objects, and nods to popular culture. The title of the exhibition, Jaune Brilliant, refers to colour, an essential element of Manford’s work. In particular, a yellow that reminds us of light, happiness, warmth, and intelligence. By entering the interiors created by Manford, we discover this ‘jaune brilliant’ and the Mediterranean luminosity which emanates from some of his paintings.
JJ dreams his spaces. His houses are in part inspired by reality- a photo, a film, …