Back to Dead Exhibition. An almost narrative exhibition. at Galerie aKonzept



The idea for this exhibition came after reading a short anonymous French text. The subtitle of the exhibition “An almost narrative exhibition” was chosen because the works on display do not directly illustrate the text or tell its story. They are a supplement to its content.

Press Release


Opening Reception

Fri, Nov 30, 2018 from 6:00 – 9:00pm UTC
On Friday, November 30th at 6 pm, Galerie aKonzept cordially invites you to the opening of our new show, the Dead Exhibition.


Sat, Dec 15, 2018 from 7:00 – 8:00pm UTC
Die!Landschaft jazz-punk duo Performance at Galerie aKonzept Especially for the Dead Exhibition no songs/noisenonoise Andreas Schlaegel drums, Manfred Peckl voices, yes/no yes/know yes/now, a dialogue. Hunters, they are rolling tones to the stone age. Bodies in rhythms immersing moments into the far. World. no heart no soul no rock n roll