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Galerie Thomas Schulte at The Armory Show 2013

March 6March 10, 2013


At this year's Armory Show we will be representing Fabian Marcaccio in an exclusive solo-show. The Focus of our stand will be placed on Marcaccio’s latest Rope Painting from the ongoing series „USA Stories“. Marcaccio’s Rope Paintings represent a new form of modern history or investigative report painting based on paradigmatic themes in American politics, economics, and society. They are a kaleidoscope of meaning, carrying on Marcaccio’s analytical discussion on the medial image-overflow in modern society. The theme of Marcaccio’s latest Rope Painting - the Lorraine motel, the site where Martin Luther King was assassinated - that will be on display at this year’s Armory Show, allows the artist to question an historical event and the ground of painting in a contemporary context.

This fair booth is currently unavailable.