Back to Van Ray Solo Show at Gin Huang Gallery



'To give a quick idea about "wealth": What is real wealth and what is really ours? Only the time we've got. That's the only real luxury we possess.' —Van Ray

Press Release

GIN HUANG Gallery is happy to invite German artist Van Ray's work to be exhibited in Taiwan, which is his very first solo exhibition Van Ray Solo Show in Asia. The artist uses antiques from the early 19th to 20th centuries as a base for creation and uses the concept of time and history to combine with contemporary images. And uses the concept of time and history.

Let us take a time machine and recalling to the old objects preserve over from the past and discover the conjunction of the new generation with them.


No. 23, Ln. 106, Siwei Rd.,
Wuqi Dist.
Taichung City , Taichung City , TW
Monday, Sunday, Closed
Tuesday–Saturday, 10am–6pm