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With works by artists Gabriel Baggio, Florencia Böhtlingk, Diego Figueroa, Foto Estudio Estudio Luisita, Elena Loson, Leticia Obeid, Gilda Picabea, Sofía Quirno, Catalina Schliebener, Martín Sichetti, Leila Tschopp, Dani Umpi & Ivana Vollaro.

Press Release


Watch documents Colonos de La Flor (by Florencia Böhtlingk) & Foto Estudio Luisita (by Sol Miraglia and Hugo Manso)

Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 12:00pm – Sat, Nov 28, 2020 at 11:45pm UTC
HACHE participates in PANORAMA, the week of art galleries in Argentina from November 22 to 28. During those days and within the framework of the current exhibition, we present two documentaries for you to enjoy from home. COLONOS DE LA FLOR [LA FLOR SETTLERS], by Florencia Böhtlingk. 57 minutes. 2017 Filmed in Colonia La Flor, El Soberbio. Misiones, Argentina. ☞ Watch tráiler: ☞ Watch film: Portrait of a small farming and herding village in Misiones jungle, Argentina. Testimonies of the arrival to the place with little or almost nothing, are mixed with affective histories and the daily tasks of food provision. La Flor Settlers is a pictorial and human documentary about the feeling of belonging and the struggle for the land. Florencia Böhtlingk writes: “El Soberbio, in Misiones (Argentina), is a border port with Brazil, on the Uruguay River. It is a jungle and red soil region, surrounded by new settlements. La Flor, known as “El Fisco”, was populated in the 1970s on public lands. Initially it was occupied by Brazilian immigrants, of European origins majority. During the military dictatorship that ruled since 1976, they were persecuted and had to resist without growing crops or building . Back to Democracy in 1983, permits for occupation and title deeds were issued. Twenty years ago I started to go to La Flor. Being a landscape painting artist, this wild place was a deep inspiration for me. As time went by, my focus changed from the landscape to the local people, the settlers. Painting was not enough to record their simple and joyful life, their daily work with ox carts and contact with the soil. That’s when I decided to bet on cinematographic language. Based on a daily record and interviews, I focused on stories of their arrival to this land, their minimal stories, their yearnings and desires for a future.” FOTO ESTUDIO LUISITA, by Sol Miraglia y Hugo Manso 52 minutes. 2018 ☞ Watch trailer: ☞ Watch film: Located in a flat in the famous Corrientes Avenue in Buenos Aires, for more than 30 years "Foto Estudio Luisita” portrayed hundreds of celebrities of the Argentinian show business. Starting in the 60's, Luisita -the shy and sensitive woman behind the camera- found the way to position herself in a field of art dominated by men. Together with her two inseparable sisters, they performed a great labor of craft work that -although shadowed by technology- today has a new meaning. More than 25,000 unpublished photos from the Argentinian pop culture open up in front of our eyes, and, together with them, the Escarria sisters spirit that remains intact.


Buenos Aires


Loyola 32
Buenos Aires, AR