Back to Hanart TZ Gallery at Art Basel Hong Kong 2021



This Hanart exhibition brings together contemporary practitioners whose works illuminate important aspects of the subject of shanshui from diverse angles. Virtual Tour:

Press Release



Sat, May 15, 2021 from 3:00 – 6:00pm UTC
「熱 Warm Up 身」 Live Electronics Party feat. REBEARTH / Jimmy Suen 15/5/2021 週六 SATURDAY 3-6pm 地點 Venue: 漢雅軒 Hanart TZ Gallery ARE YOU READY? You are invited to a “WARM UP” party, on May 15, Saturday, 3-6pm at Hanart TZ Gallery. Come celebrate the “Art Basel week”, come get high and drop the beat! Live Electronics by REBEARTH, feat. Break Dance by JIMMY SUEN@FlowRulerz crash the earth. 久違的巴塞爾「藝術週」立即再臨香港,漢雅軒約定你5月15日(週六)下午3-6時,一起到畫廊「熱身」!電音家REBEARTH 駐場放電節拍!重有舞者JIMMY SUEN@FlowRulerz即興BREAKING,幫各位提前放鬆腦袋,舒筋活絡。 CHECK IT OUT! RSVP*** REBEARTH: REBEARTH is a music producer, composer and spoken word poet based in Hong Kong by way of Montreal where he studied music. Known for his raw lyrics and unique emotive beats dripping with cinematic melodies, REBEARTH is sonically eclectic yet immediately recognizable. He has been performing live sets showcasing original songs and beats and work alongside with international DJs such as Friction, Kode9 and Dubb Phizix. He is also involved with a few bands including his very own Chinese orchestra band “Chi Harmonix” and a Nu-Jazz band “J.O.S”. REBEARTH 在加拿大蒙特利爾修讀音樂,現於香港發展音樂創作,是作曲人,亦是一位即興饒舌歌手,他的現場表演一邊保留原創歌曲和節拍,一邊變化多端,融合不同音樂元素,形成獨當一面的製作和演出。他曾與國際音樂創作人兼唱片騎師Friction, Kode9 和 Dub Phizix同台,演出即興饒舌。 此外,他夥拍不同的音樂單位和樂隊,探索嶄新破格的音樂領域,包括他自組的香港中樂團”Chi Harmonix” 、新浪爵士樂隊”J.O.S”。 Jimmy Suen 孫楠: Jimmy Suen is a member of Hip Hop street dance crew FlowRulerz. Suen appeared in HK Arts Festival both as choreographer and dancer in 'Double Bubble' (2019) and ‘MOKITA' (2021). 孫楠是嘻哈街舞團隊FlowRulerz成員。他曾為2019年香港藝術節「微末之物」創作舞者及2021年 「MOKITA」舞者。

