Back to Amit Cabessa: Behind the Fence at Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art



In Cabessa’s recent works, abstraction has become more and more dominant. Schematic, childish flowers, beautiful and wistful, are drawn with a free hand and sensuous palette while also trying to fit accepted modes of representation.

Press Release

Black and red triangles are painted with a thick brush directly onto the bare canvas, without a primer; raw, saturated stains whose rhythm resists the ornamental. These images rebel against simplistic binary expressions of east and west, local and international, male and female, cultured and wild, ancient and innovative, authentic and self-aware.
Chaim Nachman Bialik’s 1909 story “Behind the Fence” contributes to an understanding of Cabessa’s work as a search for a place that brings together nature and spirituality, tradition and culture; a total space that speaks his unique language.


HaBanim St 4
Herzliya, IL