Back to Stephanie Pierce: Simple Pleasures at Jupiter Contemporary



Jupiter is pleased to present 'Simple Pleasures', a solo exhibition by Brooklyn-based artist Stephanie Pierce, which continues her longtime practice of working from prolonged observation—for a duration of months, if not years—to capture the effervescent fluidity of passing time.

Press Release

While Pierce’s work has thus been rooted in a phenomenological experience of light, space, and time, most often framed by the view from her window, recent changes in her home life have caused her newest work to become more centered on the immediate present—and those simple pleasures of life in her house and garden. Though the softly geometric patterns of color that emerge as thin washes of paint are layered one upon another so as to create a translucent kaleidoscopic effect of refracted light continue to characterize her work, the paintings on view now evidence a newfound stillness.


1217 71st St
Miami Beach, FL, US