Back to Karim Gallery at Beirut Art Fair 2019
Karim Gallery is featuring four artists whose ages dot them together connecting two generational periods. Common to all four; they have an established international recognition and regional influence; their roots are based in the Middle East.
Press Release
What makes this exhibition unique is to see how their work, without any premeditated or orchestrated dictates, could very truthfully be joined by a common concept, one of "Alienation". That is immediately discerned when experiencing their works, despite the differences in style, technique, artistic research and not least of all optical scenes and visual forms.
What makes this exhibition unique is to see how their work, without any premeditated or orchestrated dictates, could very truthfully be joined by a common concept, one of "Alienation". That is immediately discerned when experiencing their works, despite the differences in style, technique, artistic research and not least of all optical scenes and visual forms.