Back to Jordan Barker: Absence of Touch at MAZLISH GALLERY



Jordan Barker's 1st solo show in NYC. Opening reception May 3rd. 6-9pm. Gallery hours: May 3rd-8th, 12-6pm. Private viewings available upon request. Please email [email protected] for further info.


Opening Reception

Thu, Apr 14, 2022 from 6:00 – 9:00pm UTC
The sensation of touch is paramount to the human experience. While in isolation during the COVID pandemic, artist Jordan Barker took to painting as a way of reintroducing the sensations and textures of touch into his life. By layering different materials and mediums on canvases, each painting is a visual record of the artist's personal need for touch, presence, and an escape into a meditative state amidst the chaos.


324 5th ave
New York, NY, US