Metronom presents the online exclusive show Pink Obsession, a collective exhibition with works by artists Christto&Andrew, Kenta Cobayashi, Kamilia Kard, Taisuke Koyama, Marco Signorini, Sanna Kannisto and Tilo&Toni.Pink Obsession presents different ways to approach chromatism in contemporary photography, through the practice and research of these seven international artists.…
Metronom presents the online exclusive show Pink Obsession, a collective exhibition with works by artists Christto&Andrew, Kenta Cobayashi, Kamilia Kard, Taisuke Koyama, Marco Signorini, Sanna Kannisto and Tilo&Toni.Pink Obsession presents different ways to approach chromatism in contemporary photography, through the practice and research of these seven international artists.Christto&Andrew, Cobayashi, Kard, Koyama, Singorini, Kannisto and Tilo&Toni belong to different artistic generations and are deeply involved in the discussion around the role of color in digital …