Back to Nosbaum Reding at BRAFA 2022



For its first participation in BRAFA, Nosbaum Reding Gallery is presenting the work of 9 artists highlighting its programme with an established and assertive position on the contemporary scene.

Press Release

For its first participation in BRAFA, Nosbaum Reding Gallery is presenting the work of 9 artists highlighting its programme with an established and assertive position on the contemporary scene:
Stephan Balkenhol, August Clüsserath, Tony Cragg, Damien Deroubaix, JKB Fletcher, Tina Gillen, Barthélémy Toguo , Su-Mei Tse, Peter Zimmermann

For its first participation in BRAFA, Nosbaum Reding Gallery is presenting the work of 9 artists highlighting its programme with an established and assertive position on the contemporary scene:
Stephan Balkenhol, August Clüsserath, Tony Cragg, Damien Deroubaix, JKB Fletcher, Tina Gillen, Barthélémy Toguo , Su-Mei Tse, Peter Zimmermann
