Back to Readytex Art Gallery at Atlantic World Art Fair 2022



Readytex Art Gallery is proud to participate in the Atlantic World Art Fair 2022. Our collection, curated from the concept ‘magic in visual conversation,’ continues to explore the diverse and inclusive narratives that Surinamese visual artists so naturally engage in.

Press Release


Artist Talk

Fri, Apr 22, 2022 from 11:00 – 12:00pm UTC
PANEL: Magic in visual conversation, hosted by Readytex Art Gallery. Moderated by Miguel E. Keerveld, curator-in-residence at Readytex Art Gallery. With the capacity of performing magic, visual conversation encourages new considerations in the context of so much global uncertainty. The all-inclusive space alakondre-fasi borrows from different belief systems and creates a focus on space and time in which we are all An Other to each other, thus allowing a unique and liberating vision about ourselves and our place in the world. In this discussion, artists will present what drives their thinking, art-making, and exploration processes, while they strive to make an impact and give a voice to subjects of diversity, inclusion, and identification. Miguel E. Keerveld welcomes guests Alida Neslo, Independent Theatre Maker and Art Director, and Xavier Robles de Medina, visual artist affiliated to Readytex Art Gallery.

