Back to Other Gravities: Kyle Butler and Gary Sczerbaniewicz at Resource Art



Paintings, drawings, and sculpture by Kyle Butler and Gary Sczerbaniewicz. Each artist shares an embrace of complex digital processes, generating images which are then altered, layered, and built upon; subject to the artists' hand and intention.

Press Release

Please join us for the opening reception of Other Gravities, an exhibition of sculpture, paintings, and drawings by Gary Sczerbaniewicz and Kyle Butler.

Butler and Sczerbaniewicz share an embrace of complex digital processes, generating images which are then altered, layered, and built upon; subject to the artists' hand and intention.

Each artist, in their unique vision, creates consummately intricate work that encourages collisions between the anomalous and the rational, generating a state of cognitive dissonance and at times a psychological disorientation.



The Raft
1255 Niagara Street
Buffalo, NY, US