smoke the moon is thrilled to debut Low Earth Orbit, a group show of painting and sculpture, to mark the close of the year. The works in this show occupy a zone of earthly ascension - each artist united by a devotion to objects, forms and lively gaps in translation. On view from November 15th until January 5th, Low Earth Orbit presents a spaced out and studious collection of works by 13 …
smoke the moon is thrilled to debut Low Earth Orbit, a group show of painting and sculpture, to mark the close of the year. The works in this show occupy a zone of earthly ascension - each artist united by a devotion to objects, forms and lively gaps in translation. On view from November 15th until January 5th, Low Earth Orbit presents a spaced out and studious collection of works by 13 contemporary artists, 8 of whom are New Mexico-based: Aaron Coley, Cory Feder (NM), Diego Medina (NM), Hyeshin Chun, Jason Benson (NM), Johnny Defeo (NM), Lou Breininger, Margaret R. Thompson (NM), Mark …