Back to southeast studios (Jennifer Stuerzl and Rosie Lloyd-Giblett) Queensland at Sydney Contemporary 2019



Works on paper in a range of media including painting, drawing, artists books and prints by two Queensland artists. The artists Jennifer Stuerzl and Rosie Lloyd-Giblett work plein air to create images informed by the environment of regional and coastal Queensland.

Press Release


Artist Talk

Fri, Sep 13, 2019 from 3:00 – 3:30pm UTC
Artist Rosie Lloyd-Giblett will present a table talk about her art practice called Mapping the Journey. The talk will be at located at table PO3. Rosie will discuss her art practice and how her mark making on paper creates emotive imagery and snapshots of the Queensland landscape. Her work responds to her local environment on the Sunshine Coast: her childhood memories on a cattle station in Western Queensland and why she still needs to travel inland to develop her work.

Artist Talk

Sat, Sep 14, 2019 from 3:00 – 3:30pm UTC
Artist Jennifer Stuerzl will present a talk called Nature Connections. The talk is located at table PO3. Jennifer will discuss the diversity of her art practice, which includes artist's books and works on paper, and the material and processes used in creating her work. Jennifer has a desire to connect with the natural world by working outdoors often at her home near the Brisbane River and Moreton Bay. Jennifer spent her formative years in regional NSW and a love of nature and awareness of the uniqueness of Australian ancient ecosystems is embedded in her work.

