Back to TEMPTER ✿ A group exhibition about flowers at Tinney Contemporary



Tinney Contemporary is proud to present TEMPTER, a group exhibition about flowers, in collaboration with Bobby Hotel. The exhibition will be on display from January 12, 2023 through March 31, 2023.

Press Release

TEMPTER is a walk through a field of flowers. This field is anything but homogenous–each artist brings their own unique perspective and approach to floral iconography. It’s a wild ecosystem with an unkempt mystique, the universally-familiar formal elegance of the flower beckoning viewers inside.

This diverse roster of nationally recognized artists have felt the primal pull of the flower and done its bidding—pollinating and replicating its image—but here as though through a mirror; glitched, abstracted, dispersed and distorted. Come get lost in the flowers. ✿



230 4th Ave N.
Nashville, TN, US