Back to Wildwood Press at IFPDA Fine Art Print Fair Online Spring 2020



Wildwood Press will be working at home this year. Stay safe. Science will heal us, art will save us.

Press Release

While we wish that we could see you all in person, show you prints on our table again, talk your ear off about the glory of collaborating with amazing artists and the innovations that make that all possible, our sincerest wish is for your safety. Take this time to see art in a new way. We have taken this opportunity to show some of the work that we are not often able to bring to shows. Enjoy.

While we wish that we could see you all in person, show you prints on our table again, talk your ear off about the glory of collaborating with amazing artists and the innovations that make that all possible, our sincerest wish is for your safety. Take this time to see art in a new way. We have taken this opportunity to show some of the work that we are not often able to bring to shows. Enjoy.

