Cairo. Egypt. 01.02.2011. Tahrir Square during the protest against Mubarak. Calling it a "big day," 300,000 people arrived from all over to enjoy the peacekeeping protest. Those seeking to enter El Tahrir Square must show identification and undergo a body check. Egypt's 2011 revolution, also known as the "Nile Revolution," was a series of mass protests directed against the country's government as part of the broader Arab Springs. The mass protests led to the fall of President Mubarak, ending decades of authoritarian rule. Egyptians fought for freedom, democracy and improved living conditions severely tested by the economic crisis and the liberticidal measures implemented by the then dictator. After the fall of the regime there was a transitional period led by a military junta until a referendum restored regular parliamentary elections.
Gaza Strip. State of Palestine. 20.04.2018. A protester walks toward the border holding two Molotov bottles at the Malaka border in eastern Gaza City. In the Gaza Strip, citizens protest every Friday in 5 areas on the border with Israel. The demonstrations are held until the completion of the 70th anniversary of the Nakba (5/15/2018). The demonstrations have resulted in bloodshed, 230 victims of attacks and more than 16,000 injured since March during the proclamation of the march. Many have lost limbs to Israeli IDF snipers. Although many foreign states have called on Israel to quell this "massacre," protests have not ceased, nor has the army's response. Israel justified itself by saying it was defending its territories from an invasion. After more than 70 years of occupation, this land finds no peace, and no politician seems intent on ending this war that has lasted almost a century
Sirte. Libya. 01.07.2016. GNA soldiers celebrate after the complete liberation of District 700 from Islamic State presence. It's Sirte or death. The last city to be under Islamic State control in Libya, Sirte was at the center of furious fighting that led to its liberation on Dec. 6, 2016. Pockets of resistance can still be found in the devastated city as General Haftar's Misrata troops make a scorched earth of what remains of the Islamic State that has terrorized the area for years, effectively imposing its control over the area and the lives of those who live there.
Action! #1, Istanbul, Turkey Clashes in Gezi Park. Dissent protests in Turkey against the Erdoğan government originated from a sit-in against the construction of a shopping mall in place of Gezi Park in Istanbul. After police attacks on the protesters, the protest reached a national scope and more general political connotations, giving rise to demonstrations across the country that were violently suppressed by the government. The scene was not altered in any way.
Brescia, Florida nightclub, Master of Hardcore event. 2011 The Gabber movement, which originated in the Netherlands and subsequently spread across Europe, is an alternative underground anti-establishment culture based on hardcore music. Its stylistic connotation is through neo-Nazi skinhead inspired attire. During these raves, hardcore, hardstyle and industrial music with gruelling rhythms and powerful beats acted as the backdrop to these youths in search of an identity and a sense of belonging. Drugs were one of the main ingredients to succeed in life and to escape the conformism of the society these youths were fleeing from. Their eccentric and exaggerated outfits, with garish piercings and shaved necks - making them all resemble one another - were what made them feel like they belonged to a veritable tribe. Coaches came from all over Italy and long queues formed at the entrance, so seeing them all lined up in an orderly fashion really made them look like a real army. The nightclub had an outdoor area for the summer, with a swimming pool and what looked like a massive UFO lighting the dance floor. Half-way through the night, heavy showers surprised the Gabber ravers who carried on dancing regardless. This ritual-like reaction created a dreamlike moment expressing all the power of freedom which only a young person can have.
Sirte. Libya. 02.08.2016. The destroyed and charred interior of the Ouagadougou convention centre. Months earlier, the centre was an important command post for Islamic State forces and was only recaptured after fierce fighting that left it irreparably damaged. It's Sirte or death. The last city to be under Islamic State control in Libya, Sirte was at the center of furious fighting that led to its liberation on Dec. 6, 2016. Pockets of resistance can still be found in the devastated city as General Haftar's Misrata troops make a scorched earth of what remains of the Islamic State that has terrorized the area for years, effectively imposing its control over the area and the lives of those who live there.
Mosul. Iraq. 2021 Church in Mosul city centre. After ISIS occupation and the liberation of the city, the Pope visited to see the damage done by the terrorist movement against Christians. The church was used as a training centre and a base for the black flag of ISIS militia. The two churches were heavily bombed during the war; the Pope blessed these holy places in memory of the Islamic persecution of Christianity.
Berdyansk. Ukraine. 09.03.2022. A soldier covers his face with his hand as he passes by a column of Russian armoured vehicles. The Russian armed forces have relied on mobility and artillery support, using light and relatively unprotected vehicles to transport men across the muddy terrain of Ukraine. 24 February 2022 marks the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Today, eight years after the Maidan Square clashes, both sides are regrouping to maintain control over the territories. Sanctions on the one hand, and blackmail over gas and grain on the other, have contributed to this war affecting the entire global economy.
Cairo. Egypt. 28.01.2011. Moment of prayer in Taharir square. Cities across Egypt witnessed unprecedented protests on Friday 25.01.2011, with tens of thousands of protesters taking to the streets after noon prayers calling for an end to Mubarak's 30-year rule. The number of people killed in protests is reported to be in the scores, with a further 22 deaths in Cairo. Protests have been taken over by "mobs" from the "lower part of the society", who are now engaged in "burning, looting and shooting". Friday's demonstrations involving tens of thousands of people were the biggest and bloodiest in four consecutive days of protests against Mubarak's government.
Sirte. Libya. 21.06.2016. View of Sirte. It's Sirte or death. The last city to be under Islamic State control in Libya, Sirte was at the center of furious fighting that led to its liberation on Dec. 6, 2016. Pockets of resistance can still be found in the devastated city as General Haftar's Misrata troops make a scorched earth of what remains of the Islamic State that has terrorized the area for years, effectively imposing its control over the area and the lives of those who live there.
Mariupol. Ukraine. 27.04.2022. Mariupol opera house. The theatre became a symbol of the war after it was hit by a Russian airstrike when it housed around 900 civilians inside, of whom up to 600 are estimated to have died in the attack. 24 February 2022 marks the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Today, eight years after the Maidan Square clashes, both sides are regrouping to maintain control over the territories. Sanctions on the one hand, and blackmail over gas and grain on the other, have contributed to this war affecting the entire global economy.
Cairo. Egypt. 03.12.2011 Celebration of the Muslim Brotherhood party's election victory on Shoubra Alteraa Albalakey Street. The 2011 Egyptian Revolution, also known as the 2011 Egyptian Uprising or the Nile Revolution, represents a vast protest movement that has seen a succession of episodes of civil disobedience, acts of protest and insurrections, which have occurred in Egypt since Jan. 25, 2011. The Egyptian popular protest movement, hinging on the desire for political and social renewal against the 30-year regime of President Hosni Mubarak, initially manifested itself through peaceful means, inspired by protests organized in Tunisia and other Arab countries, but then experienced violent developments, resulting in bitter clashes that claimed numerous lives among protesters, policemen and the military.
Thailand. Bangkok. 22.04.2010. Rally in support of the king organised by the yellow shirts to protest against the occupation of central Bangkok by the Red Shirts.
Gaza Strip. State of Palestine. 20.04.2018 A young man stands alone against Israeli tear gas. In the Gaza Strip, citizens protest every Friday in 5 areas on the border with Israel. The demonstrations are held until the completion of the 70th anniversary of the Nakba (5/15/2018). The demonstrations have resulted in bloodshed, 230 victims of attacks and more than 16,000 injured since March during the proclamation of the march. Many have lost limbs to Israeli IDF snipers. Although many foreign states have called on Israel to quell this "massacre," protests have not ceased, nor has the army's response. Israel justified itself by saying it was defending its territories from an invasion. After more than 70 years of occupation, this land finds no peace, and no politician seems intent on ending this war that has lasted almost a century.
Gaza Strip. State of Palestine. 20.04.2018. A woman wearing an Islamic veil takes part in protests at the Malaka border, east of Gaza city. In the Gaza Strip, citizens protest every Friday in 5 areas on the border with Israel. The demonstrations are held until the completion of the 70th anniversary of the Nakba (5/15/2018). The demonstrations have resulted in bloodshed, 230 victims of attacks and more than 16,000 injured since March during the proclamation of the march. Many have lost limbs to Israeli IDF snipers. Although many foreign states have called on Israel to quell this "massacre," protests have not ceased, nor has the army's response. Israel justified itself by saying it was defending its territories from an invasion. After more than 70 years of occupation, this land finds no peace, and no politician seems intent on ending this war that has lasted almost a century.
Mariupol. Donbass. 27.04.2022 Dramatic art theater of Donec'k oblast bombed and set on fire March 16, in downtown Mariupol. 24 February 2022 marks the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Today, eight years after the Maidan Square clashes, both sides are regrouping to maintain control over the territories. Sanctions on the one hand, and blackmail over gas and grain on the other, have contributed to this war affecting the entire global economy.
Tripoli. Libya. 23.01.2020. Crushed houses and cars destroyed by shelling near Tripoli. Three years after Qaddafi's killing, Libya has collapsed into a civil war between militias that are sharing the country. General Khalifa Haftar, once Qaddafi's right-hand man and now head of the Libyan army loyal to the Tobruk parliament, has launched an offensive, called "Operation Dignity," to defeat the Islamist militias of Libyan Dawn and Ansar al Sharia that govern in Tripoli, Benghazi and Misrata.
Donetsk. Ukraine. 14.03.2022. Civilians killed by the explosion of a Ukrainian ballistic missile that fell on the centre of Donetsk, probably a Tocka-U. Russia asked the UN to open an investigation against Kiev for war crimes. 24 February 2022 marks the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Today, eight years after the Maidan Square clashes, both sides are regrouping to maintain control over the territories. Sanctions on the one hand, and blackmail over gas and grain on the other, have contributed to this war affecting the entire global economy.
Cairo. Egypt. 03.02.2011. The military allowed thousands of pro-Mubarak supporters, armed with sticks and knives, to enter the square while people were demonstrating peacefully. Opposition groups said Mubarak had sent in thugs to suppress anti- government protests. At least one person has been killed and another 600 injured in continuing clashes between pro- and anti-government demonstrators in the Egyptian capital Cairo. The 2011 Egyptian revolution, also known as the "Nile Revolution," was a series of mass protests directed against the country's government as part of the broader Arab Spring. The mass protests led to the fall of President Mubarak, ending decades of authoritarian rule. Egyptians fought for freedom, democracy and improved living conditions, which had been severely compromised by the economic crisis and the liberticidal measures implemented by the then dictator. The fall of the regime was followed by a transitional period led by a military junta until a referendum restored regular parliamentary elections.