Kirchner : The German Expressionist

Kirchner : The German Expressionist

Step into a world where raw emotion meets bold innovation. This captivating showcase offers an intimate glimpse into Kirchner’s artistic universe, where every brushstroke and color choice reveals the intensity of early 20th century life. « Kirchner : The German Expressionist » is an immersive experience into the heart of Expressionism.
"A painter paints the appearance of things, not their objective correctness, in fact he creates new appearances of things" - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
At the beginning of the 20th century, the artist overturned the codes of Impressionist painting by using bright colours and expressive lines combined with more traditional subjects, demonstrating his quest for modernity. His work is an explosion of colour and form that awakens the senses. His vibrant compositions celebrate the richness and beauty of nature. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner plays with contrasts and details to bring his subject almost to life.
Kirchner : The German Expressionist
Kirchner : The German Expressionist
Bailly Gallery
Kirchner : The German Expressionist
Bailly Gallery