Weathering Waves | A solo show by Priyantha Udagedara

Exhibit 320

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Weathering Waves | A solo show by Priyantha Udagedara

Exhibit 320

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Exhibit320 is thrilled to announce the opening of the solo show by Priyantha Udagedara "Weathering Waves". Priyantha's works are response to the current tenuous political circumstances in Sri Lanka and the world. A coexistence of beauty and terror intertwined in the lush nostalgic landscape of Sri Lanka .
Weathering Waves A solo show by Priyantha Udagedara Priyantha Udagedara’s philosophy of painting is a combination of terror and beauty. His works are speculative, thought-provoking, beautiful, and political as much as they are nostalgic. As a senior contemporary artist from Sri Lanka, Priyantha has honed his craft over more than two decades. His skill and precision will become more apparent as you feel drawn to each large canvas and the precise details of his subjects. The forces of nature are ever-present. With a unique and nostalgic perspective about Sri Lanka and its beauty, Priyantha turns to The Ramayana as a source of inspiration in the works displayed in this exhibition. It is a journey that amalgamates the mythical, the spiritual, the natural, the romantic, and the existential. It is a reminder of the haunting presence and relevance of the epic even in 2024. Each piece is constructed using a craft of collaging Priyantha has honed for over a decade, using newspaper and magazine cuttings and research about flora and fauna that are endemic to Sri Lanka and its immediate environment. As you experience the exhibition, we hope that you engage with Priyantha’s philosophy of the coexistence of beauty and terror from your own perspective.     Text by Pramodha Weerasekera