Don Pollack

Gallery VICTOR

10 days left

Don Pollack

Gallery VICTOR

10 days left

Gallery Victor is eager to announce "East of the Yellowstone", the latest exhibition by Don Pollack. Inspired by his grandfather's captivating life story and the family homestead of Buffalo, Wyoming nestled in the foothills of the Big Horn Mountains. Pollack invites you to experience a journey through time and memory by means of his awe inspiring drawings and compositions.
Join us in our latest exhibit: "East of the Yellowstone" where through his latest series of enchanting and intricate drawings Don Pollack masterfully weaves together the undeniable beauty of nature with the elegance of antique maps for land his grandfather homesteaded over 100 years ago and architectural studies for a never built dream home made by his father and found after his passing. They capture the essence of his family's legacy and the enduring spirit of the places his father and grandfather poured their dreams into. Each piece effortlessly blends themes of family dialogues, tradition, and permanence, inviting viewers to ponder the coexistence of past and present. In "East of the Yellowstone," Pollack explores our relationship with nature and the profound responsibility we hold towards preserving it. Memory and mortality intertwine as the exhibition serves as both an ode to the past and a celebration of the present. As you immerse yourself in Pollack's evocative work, you're encouraged to contemplate what truly makes a home and gives it that feeling of belonging. Through his art, Pollack prompts us to reflect on our own connections to place and the values that shape our lives. Join us experiencing "East of the Yellowstone," where the past meets the present, and every stroke off the pen is a testament to the enduring power of home.