Whimsy in Everyday Moments

Whimsy in Everyday Moments

Chito hopes to relate, connect, and expand the circle of all of which she loves; music, eat and drink, and art, to pursue her own creative activities.
Chito hopes to relate, connect, and expand the circle of all of which she loves; music, eat and drink, and art, to pursue her own creative activities.
Moeka often paints portraits with an emphasis on gorgeousness and suppleness. Please feel free to contact Yukiko for further information about the work/artist. <FAQ> ・Condition of the work ・Artist’s signature ・Additional detailed images of the work ・Shipping fee ・Payment method etc.
Chito hopes to relate, connect, and expand the circle of all of which she loves; music, eat and drink, and art, to pursue her own creative activities. Please feel free to contact Yukiko for further information about the work/artist. <FAQ> ・Condition of the work ・Artist’s signature ・Additional detailed images of the work ・Shipping fee ・Payment method etc.
Moeka often paints portraits with an emphasis on gorgeousness and suppleness. Please feel free to contact Yukiko for further information about the work/artist. <FAQ> ・Condition of the work ・Artist’s signature ・Additional detailed images of the work ・Shipping fee ・Payment method etc.
Chito hopes to relate, connect, and expand the circle of all of which she loves; music, eat and drink, and art, to pursue her own creative activities.
The theme of leghorn's work is relationships, chains, and colors. Like a society, an organization, a forest, or an ecosystem, each color has its own character, but when combined as a group, they create new value. He hopes that viewers of his work will feel this as well. Please feel free to contact Yukiko for further information about the work/artist. <FAQ> ・Condition of the work ・Artist’s signature ・Additional detailed images of the work etc.
Noriko creates works based on 3 main themes: the five senses, empathy, and unbalanced balance. The content of her work varies, from works that are solely based on the five senses to works that fuse all three.
Inspired by the world of her favorite picture books, Misato creates adorable paintings featuring cats and various other animals. In between her design work, she paints whenever she feels the urge to do so. Drawing and painting is an essential part of her life's work, and her goal is to produce picture books in the future. Please feel free to contact Yukiko for further information about the work/artist. <FAQ> ・Condition of the work ・Artist’s signature ・Additional detailed images of the work ・Shipping fee ・Payment method etc.