Maksla XO at POSITIONS Berlin 2024

Maksla XO

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Maksla XO at POSITIONS Berlin 2024

Maksla XO

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Maksla XO Gallery at POSITIONS BERLIN Art Fair 2024, Flughafen Berlin Tempelhof, Hangar 6, BOOTH – C10
MAKSLA XO GALLERY at POSITIONS BERLIN Art Fair 2024 presents an exposition of four contemporary artists from Latvia – new sculptures by Zane Zeivate and Oto Holgers Ozolins, paintings by Klavs Loris and Kristaps Zarins
“There is something intriguing about making ladders that are not climbable. You might be tempted, but you can clearly see that it won't be possible. Seeing the ladder as a symbol of progress, I explore various questions about everyday necessities that seemingly lead us to progress”˗ Zane Zeivate.
Hold Me Tight. 2024, aluminium, fabric, pipe insulation, polyester fiber, 250 x 132 x 90 cm
Klavs Loris’ artistic style is evident in his large-scale works, where he blends classical oil painting with modern mediums. Through experimentation, he developed his own technique, combining photography, digital print, and painting, using dry textile pigments as a key material. His work explores abstraction as a means to encounter, resist, and recreate reality, guided by personal reflections on one's role in society, embodying both self-destruction and growth.
Sunflowers. 2023, textile pigment, varnish on canvas, 200 x 150 cm
Kristaps Zarins' paintings engage viewers with reality-based forms—figures, head turns, expressions, and body postures—enhanced by rich colours and artistic provocation. In "Greek Series," he draws on Plato's "Gorgias", reflecting on how perceptions of justice in public behaviour have remained unchanged for over two millennia. The divine-human beauty fuels the artist's imagination, and the head is the seventh part of the body, symbolising consciousness.
Sleeping E-Goddess. 2024, oil on canvas, 30 x 30 cm
Oto Holgers Ozolins belongs to the young generation of Latvian sculptors. Witty and ironic, he discusses modern societal issues using sculpting techniques and various materials. His sculptural objects reveal a diverse spectrum of movement, showing the artist’s dynamic exploration of form and expression. Exploring his own experiences, he offers a fresh perspective on the world and himself – exploring topics like self-discipline, meditation, hanging the laundry, spoon carving, and even smoking.
Young Peg. Old Peg. 2023, wood, aluminium, 84.5 × 76.5 × 17.5 cm