New Series - and Earlier Works

New Series - and Earlier Works

Central to Danowski's artistic vision is her ability to blend the tangible and the abstract, infusing her paintings and works on paper with vibrant textures, luminous hues, and dynamic compositions. Her creations serve as portals into a realm where reality converges with the ethereal, each piece offering a narrative that resonates on personal and universal levels alike.
Danowski's work navigates the intricate balance between abstraction & representation, seamlessly merging the unity and individuality of forms.
Born in Stuttgart, Germany, Jasmina Danowski has cultivated a dual artistic presence in Berlin and New York City, drawing from an illustrious educational background that includes studies at the Eberhard Karls University in Tuebingen, Germany, the San Francisco Art Institute, and Bard College in New York. This diverse academic experience has profoundly shaped her artistic philosophy, emphasizing the profound interplay between art and philosophy within her creative expression. Danowski's formative years were marked by a deep immersion in a spectrum of artistic and literary traditions, spanning European painting, classic literature, and contemporary abstract expressionism. These influences converge harmoniously in her oeuvre, enriching her work with a nuanced complexity. Reflecting on her upbringing, Danowski recalls a childhood steeped in artistic immersion, surrounded by the masterpieces of the Renaissance and nurturing her own artistic impulses from an early age. Her affinity for the natural world is palpable, often finding inspiration in places like the Museum of Natural History, a testament to her deep-rooted connection with the physical realm. Central to Danowski's artistic vision is her ability to blend the tangible and the abstract, infusing her paintings and works on paper with vibrant textures, luminous hues, and dynamic compositions. Her creations serve as portals into a realm where reality converges with the ethereal, each piece offering a narrative that resonates on personal and universal levels alike. Notably, Danowski's art is characterized by a jubilant exploration of color and texture, imbuing her canvases with a sense of depth and movement. Her brushstrokes are deliberate, each color meticulously chosen to evoke specific emotions and ideas, creating a visual symphony that invites viewers into a dream-like atmosphere. In addition to her prolific solo exhibitions and participation in group shows, Danowski has mounted public art projects and is prominently featured in private, public, and corporate collections worldwide. Her artistic journey continues to evolve, marked by a steadfast commitment to exploring the limitless possibilities of painting as a medium for emotional and intellectual discourse.
Showcase as a collective
When displayed individually, each work offers a unique glimpse into Danowski’s creative vision. However, arranging them in a cohesive collection transforms each piece into a vibrant conversation, amplifying their individual beauty and creating a dynamic, immersive experience
A selection of three 20 x 20 (24 x 24 inches framed) works on paper