Ellen Dahl 'Four Days Before Winter'


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Ellen Dahl 'Four Days Before Winter'


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Ellen Dahl’s practice is largely rooted in working with or around the landscape. The concept of photography’s intrinsic involvement in how we see and feel about the world around us underpins her projects. She continually explores the expanded field of photography and its potential to engage new critical, poetic, and aesthetic ways of assembling ecological meaning and geological imagination. She is also interested in photography’s relationship to time and explores this working across photography.
The peripheral Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard is located approximately 1000km south of the North Pole and is known for its remoteness and stunning Arctic environment - it is also one of the fastest warming places on earth.
Dahl has an ongoing attraction to the concept of the island and places at the end of the world, often returning to the north / south peripheries of northern Norway and Tasmania. Seeking to capture the heightened sense of liminality and edge-ness often felt at these sites, her work is conceptually underpinned by trepidation around the Anthropogenic condition and the consequent ambiguousness of overlapping human and geological time scales. Encounters with the landscape often oppose clear articulation, words can only hint at the profound engagement between a person and the natural environment. Dahl’s works allude to instances that provoke an uncanny sense of place, a shared history, and deep connection– permeating across geographical distance and time. Dahl is originally from Arctic Norway and moved to Australia as an adult. She now lives and works on Gadigal Country (Sydney) NSW. She has exhibited extensively throughout Australia, including Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney; National Portrait Gallery, Canberra; Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne; ANU Gallery, Canberra; Hazelhurst Regional Gallery, and Verge Gallery, Sydney. Most recently she was the winner of MAMA National Photography Prize (2024), and has been a finalist in The Fauvette Loureiro Memorial Scholarship (2021), HIDDEN Sculpture Award (2022), The Josephine Ulrick & Winn Schubert Photographic Award (2022), Hazelhurst Works on Paper (2021), and won the judges Commendation prize in the Contemporary Landscapes in Photography award (CLIP) in 2017. In August 2019 she co-coordinated/curated the Light Matter project – a symposium on the expanded field of photography held at University of Technology, Sydney in conjunction with an exhibition at the Australian Centre for Photography in Sydney. Between 2017 and 2019, she organized three iterations across three Australian states for the artist-led project Vanishing Point, presenting five very diverse female lens-based artistic practices linked through the concept of the island. Dahl received a Master of Fine Arts from Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney (2015), and a PhD from School of Creative Arts and Media, University of Tasmania (2024).
Field Notes from the Edge / Collapse (2023)
the archipelago has a long multi-national history of coal mining that is scheduled to finally cease in 2025. Field Notes from the Edge / Collapse (2023) is a close-up detail of collapsing terrain due to the melting permafrost. The large, suspended representational construct brings focus to the inherent colossal ecological scale within this detail.
Ellen Dahl, Field Notes From The Edge/Collapse, 2023, Archival sublimation print on fabric
Blue Field (2024)
Similarly, Blue Field (2024) is an intentionally small frosted white acrylic lightbox reflecting on the continual shrinking of the glacial topography in the Arctic.
Ellen Dahl, Blue Field, 2024, Archival pigment print on backlit film, acrylic lightbox, 28 x 39cm
Field Notes from the Edge / Valley 1- 6 (2024)
In Field Notes from the Edge / Valley 1- 6 (2024), Dahl collaborated with poet Hannah Jenkins* – with whom she shares a common interest around geological imagination, human/more-than-human entanglement, the edge, melancholy, and time. In combining ekphrastic imagery of environments in crisis with an abstracted, desolate entity that seem to exist within the Arctic topography depicted by Dahl – Jenkins’ prose further evokes ways of seeing and sensing that go beyond human ideas of scale and time.
Ellen Dahl, Field Notes from the Edge/Valley 4, 2024, Ecosolvent print on Dibond, 60 x 64cm
Field Notes from the Edge / Valley #5 (2024)
Stanza from ‘Valley’ (2022) by Hannah Jenkins: I gaze upwards at peaks and constellations divining what’s owed and what’s to come
Ellen Dahl, Field Notes from the Edge/Valley 5, 2024, Ecosolvent print on Dibond, 60 x 64cm
The Edge of Time (2024)
The Edge of Time (2024) represents Jostedalsbreen Glacier, Norway, the largest glacier in continental Europe. While the glacier is under continual threat of shrinkage, new layers of ice and snow get compressed and formed into the glacier each year, embedding information on the current chemical composition of the atmosphere - making each layer a unique archive of the Planet’s climate, and proxies for tracing environmental changes.
Ellen Dahl, The Edge of Time (2024) Self-adhesive Gekko tex, 240cm x 165cm