Miles Regis - 'Just Like Us'

Miles Regis - 'Just Like Us'

Von Lintel Gallery is excited to announce the upcoming exhibition of Miles Regis, showcasing his most recent collaged art works. The exhibition, titled “Just Like US,” will open on September 14, 2024, and will run through October 26, 2024. This will be the artists third one person exhibition with the gallery, which will focus on his innovative use of textiles.
Fabric as an artistic medium
The following is an excerpt written by Shana Nys Dambrot about this newest series of collaged paintings by Miles Regis:   In Just Like Us, Regis offers a collection of individual and group portraits in which young people and mature women stand firm in their power or delight in friendship—each one a character study of a loved one, a public figure (yes, that is Kamala Harris in Unity - We Not Going Back), or an ancestral spirit close to the artist’s heart. Furthermore, his elaboration on the exquisite potential of the collage dynamic yields almost magical results—rendering a spectrum of skin tones and a topographical embodiment of amazing hair styles with metonymic fabrics and a wry humor. For example, the use of black patent leather as skin in the tableau Respect Yourself, the queenly crown of locks on Bohemian Girl that even Beyonce would envy, and the winsome fall of blonde braids on the white girl ally, bless her, in 70's Movie Poster (Live, Love, Feel, Vote!). The exhibition’s eponymous title piece forms a kind of cornerstone for the whole collection, containing examples of every single one of his techniques, materials, mediums, and characters—with women and queer folk lovingly centered, like a class photo of the coolest generation ever.   —Shana Nys Dambrot Los Angeles, 2024