The Shrink and...

74th Arts
Jun 3, 2024 8:02PM

June 8th, 3-6 pm The Shrink and…, design, and scents : A series of conversations and experiences on psychoanalysis and art making, design creation and sensory experiences (Onsite at Bibliotek of West)

From the most beautiful white noise, zone of pre-evolutionary sound, simultaneousness of everything and nothing, the participant dials in a harmonic counterpart.

Sculpted out of an ocean of noise an arpeggio of fundamentals plays while the participant talks to Dr Wildner. The five factors of the OCEAN model and protective mechanisms /against the Angst) will be in the center of this dialogue.

Each of the five traits is represented by one olfactory component so that the participant can be represented by a scent that will be made on site from that 5 components according to the outcome and findings of the conversation / analysis.

A scent to defy fear. A scent to balance. To take home with you.

OCEAN model: the five-factor model of personality is a grouping of five unique characteristics used to study personality O peness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautiousC onscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless)E xtraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved)A greeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/judgmental)N euroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident)

There will be a little „lab“ to manufacture the scent, modular synths, a white noise source of uncertainty, test equipment and a „chair and sofa“ setting behind a paravant. And maybe a small bar where we serve one corresponding drink and might play records

74th Arts