"Imagine (Psaltery)" by Pedro Reyes

Academy Art Museum, Easton
Dec 8, 2015 2:19PM

In his innovative work Reyes critiques man’s development of technology for harmful purposes. Based in Mexico City, Reyes is surrounded by gang violence associated with the transborder drug trade. He intervenes by turning weapons, such as shotguns, pistols, and rifles, into musical instruments. On this occasion, he coordinated a performance of John Lennon’s song *Imagine*, with musicians playing fifty of these instruments. According to Reyes, “It’s important to consider that many lives were taken with these weapons; as if a sort of exorcism was taking place, the music expelled the demons they held, as well as being a requiem for lives lost.” Reyes honors those who lost their lives by delivering a message that is aesthetically, emotionally, and politically potent. 

Academy Art Museum, Easton