"Kora" by Jawshing Arthur Liou

Academy Art Museum, Easton
Dec 7, 2015 6:55PM

Liou used a 3K high-definition camera to make Kora, an emotionally powerful video. The artist captures his meditative walk around the remote Mount Kailash in Tibet, a ceremony he embarked upon after the death of his four-year-old daughter. The mountain, claimed to have cleansing effects on the soul, is a spiritual epicenter worshiped by four religions. Circumambulating the site (a kora) is considered to be a pinnacle of spiritual life. There is neither cell phone service nor Internet on Mount Kailash, but Liou’s camera enables the artwork to exist. *Kora* employs technology as a vehicle for sharing one man’s intimate journey of pain, suffering, and search for inner peace. According to Liou, “The harsh elements and expansive landscape turned my thoughts inward. There was no immediate enlightenment but gradual realization that the pilgrimage is an external mirror to my solemn confrontation with past and future.”

Soundtrack composed by Aaron Travers and Melody Eötvös. 

Academy Art Museum, Easton