Anelisa Mangcu's Curated Picks from African Galleries Now

African Galleries Now
Apr 8, 2022 8:16AM

Anelisa Mangcu. Produced by Lukhanyo Mdingi / Photographed by Johno Mellish

Anelisa Mangcu is a Curator and Interdisciplinary Art Practitioner based in Cape Town (South Africa). Mangcu holds an Honours in Curatorship from the CCA at Michaelis School of Fine Art (UCT).

She is the co-founder of Victory of The Word NPC, an organisation that works on funding and investment strategies to stimulate and preserve art entities such as Lovedale Press. Having previously worked within the curatorial team at EBONY/CURATED and having curated booths for FNB Art Joburg, Investec Cape Town Art Fair, 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair (New York) and Latitudes Art Fair, she launched Under The Aegis in 2020. Under The Aegis offers curatorial and art advisory services, including producing exhibitions.The organisation facilitates the relationship between artists, collectors and institutional collections from the African continent and the diaspora.

“My curatorial interest has always been in the exploration of intersectional African identity. In particular African artists that challenge the paradigms by writing their experiences into the historical canon, and building a new shared counter-history. My selection of works are by contemporary artists who explore figuration in various styles and mediums, while drawing links from traditional and modernist Africa.”

–– Anelisa Mangcu

Below, discover Anelisa Mangcu’s selection of highlights from African Galleries Now.

Wasswa Donald Augustine
Nassanga, 2020
Afriart Gallery
Luís Damião
Alambamento, 2021
Ethel Aanyu
Aitun, 2022
Afriart Gallery
Ange Swana
On the Way to..., 2021
African Arty
Wycliffe Mundopa
Unique but beautiful Part 4, 2022
First Floor Gallery Harare
Dieudonné Djiela Kamkang
Tukah Child, 2022
African Arty
African Galleries Now