"Frank Stella/Selected Prints From the Moby Dick Series" Reviewed in Hyperallergic

Anders Wahlstedt Fine Art
Oct 26, 2018 5:09PM

Zachary Small: "There is something almost musical and improvisatory about the artist’s interpretation of the epic tale of Captain Ahab and the whale."

“A Bower in the Arsacides” (1993), lithograph, etching, aquatint, relief, collagraph on white TGL handmade paper, 58 1/4 x 49 5/8 inches (all images courtesy Anders Wahlstedt Fine Art)

"For an artist who once famously shrugged off deep analysis of minimalism by saying, “What you see is what you see,” his Moby Dick prints are firework furies of expressionistic colors and pattern work. Currently on view at Anders Wahlstedt Fine Art, a selection of works from Stella’s Moby Dick series displays the artist’s entrancement with Melville’s epic tale."

Read more here.

Anders Wahlstedt Fine Art