Jarno Vesala 'Far is the False Deceitful World'

May 22, 2018 12:38PM

Anima-Mundi is proud to present 'Far is the False and Deceitful World' by Finnish artist Jarno Vesala (born 1977).Vesala's emotive and empathic installations incorporate sculpture, sound and projected image. The work plays with the act of perception, memory and illusion.  His emotionally and physically immersive environments are perplexing, mysterious and unsettling. Recurrent humanistic themes relate to solitude, exclusion and loss, made manifest and palpable through his unique rendering.

'Far is the False and Deceitful World' contains two new installation works. 'New Shoes' a work incorporating a life size sculpture of a small girl with face and wall projection and 'Far is the False and Deceitful World' a large installation work containing a fully enclosed, lamp-lit box / room and wall projection showing the inside of the created space and it's elderly entrapped inhabitant.
