Peru, guest country at ARCOmadrid 2019

Dec 18, 2018 1:00PM

Lima, 12 November 2018.­ Peru arrives at ARCOmadrid 2019 to showcase its contemporary production with the focus on the quality of its artists, an aspect that has determined the profile of its presentation. A deep curatorial work, provided by Sharon Lerner, will allow this meticulously elaborated presence to be discovered. 'Peru at ARCO ', a section supported by the Peruvian Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Peruvian Embassy in Spain and Promperú, will be one of the main attractions at the next Fair, which is organised by IFEMA and will be held from 27 February to 3 March in Madrid.

A total of 23 Peruvian artists, represented by galleries from different countries, have been selected by Sharon Lerner, contemporary art curator at the the Lima Art Museum, to participate in the programme 'Peru at ARCO'. In addition to this presence, the country's artistic scene will also be reflected in the conversations at the Peru Forum, organised by Miguel A. López , co-­director and curator in chief at TEOR/éTica and Lado V, San José/Lima, which will analyse the characteristics of contemporary Peruvian art. The participation of the country will be completed by exhibitions in Madrid, coordinated by Fietta Jarque, art journalist and independent curator, that will provide a vision of the country's artistic culture in its various facets. All this will allow its excellent artists to be analysed and offer a vision around the galleries, collecting, curating and criticism in this country.


The selection curated by Sharon Lerner will bring together the most international generation of Peruvian artists, many of whom are under fifty years of age and have pursued a large part of their careers in other countries. The emphasis on the importance of the artists and their origins over and above other geographic limitations will also be shown in this space, which aims to disseminate the work of artists from Peru from the past century until now.

Continuing with ARCOmadrid's commitment to individual presentations and those created in a dialogue, the format also extends to the galleries of ' Peru at ARCO`. This programme will bring together a total of 23 artists from the country, including Fernando Bryce, Teresa Burga, Sandra Gamarra, Miguel Aguirre, Antonio Páucar, Herbert Rodríguez, Elena Damiani, Ximena Garrido ­Lecca, José Vera Matos, Carlos Runcie Tanaka and Rita Ponce. León, to which is added a representation of the country's creators at other sections of the Fair, such as Daniel Jacoby, Daniela Ortiz and Lúa Coderch, which will bring collectors, professionals and the general public closer to the contemporary artistic production in this market.

The programme ' Peru at ARCO' will have the participation of seven Peruvian galleries ­80M2 Livia Benavides; Del Paseo; Forum; Ginsberg, Impakto, Revolver and Wu, to which other European galleries ­ Barbara Thumm, American galleries ­Alexander and Bonin, Henrique Faria and Rolf Art, and Spanish galleries ­Casado Santapau, Elba Benitez, Juana de Aizpuru and Projectesd­ will join to represent the Peruvian artists in the section.

The architecture and the design of the space in this special section will gain a great prominence, comprising a new format within ARCO, with a logic that is more exposition than exhibition. In parallel, Mariana Leguía and Maya Ballen will be responsible for creating the gallery space within the special section Peru at ARCO, creating a flowing environment that will enable visitors to tour the pieces by Peruvian artists clearly and respectfully within the space dedicated to each project.


The importance of artists and their origins in the era of globalisation will also be reflected in the institutional hall developed by the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. A space given over to new technologies, with video and environmental­experimental sound, created by the general curator Jorge Villacorta, the architect Paulo Dam, and the electronic engineer Kiko Mayorga, who take as a conceptual and schematic reference the Amazonian maloca longhouse, a meeting point and centre of knowledge in the towns along the Amazon River.


Dialogue and cultural exchange The artistic scene in the country will also be reflected at ARCOmadrid in the Peru Forum, which is the platform for reflection and exchange between professionals. Organized by Miguel A. López and with the participation of artists, historians, and curators, this forum will not only propose conversations about the special characteristics of Peruvian contemporary art and the cultural and social challenges it faces but also about the past, the present and the future of contemporary art on a global level.

Participants in the sessions will include, Fernando Bryce, visual artist; Roberto Huarcaya, photographer and general director of the Image Center; Christian Bendayán, artist and former director at the National Cultural Institute of Iquitos; Natalia Majluf, art historian and former director with the Lima Museum of Art; Florencia Portocarrero, curator of public programmes at Proyecto AMIL; José Carlos Mariátegui, curator and director with Alta Tecnología Andina and Max Hernández Calvo, independent curator.


The Peruvian presence at ARCOmadrid will be completed by the award of an important prize, the 'A' Prizes for Collections, awarded by the ARCO Foundation, to the MALI Contemporary Acquisitions Committee, chaired by Alexandra Bryce Cisneros, for its outstanding work in supporting the Museum in enriching its permanent collection of contemporary art and in the dissemination of Peruvian art.

The collection offers a comprehensive view of the diversity and richness of contemporary art in Peru with works by prominent artists such as Mariella Agois, Fernando Bedoya, Fernando Bryce, Teresa Burga, Alberto Casari, Jorge Eduardo Eielson, Philippe Gruenberg, Johanna Hamann, Billy Hare, Pablo Hare, Rafael Hastings, Edi Hirose, Emilio Rodríguez Larraín, José Carlos Martinat, Carlos Runcie Tanaka, Juan Javier Salazar, Fernando de Szyszlo, Elena Tejada, José Tola, Ricardo Wiesse, Sergio Zevallos, David Zink Yi, among many others.

For 23 years, the ARCO Foundation, promoted by IFEMA, has awarded the "A" Prizes for Collections with the aim of recognzing the artistic value of collectors 'and institutions' collections, as well as their work in supporting the dissemination of contemporary art. Among some of the previous winners are the Hochschild Collection; Eduardo Costantini Collection; Han Nefkens Collection; Jorge M. Pérez; Isabel and Agustín Coppel; "La Caixa" Foundation Collection; Jumex Collection; the British Council Collection.


Peru will also have an important presence in Madrid with different exhibitions, coordinated by Fietta Jarque, that will spread information on the current artistic situation in the country to different spaces in the city. All this will offer a comprenhensive vision of its artistic culture in diverse facets and will approach the less known aspects of art in Peru, both through a surprising journey to the past and to regions were new contemporary art movements have emerged, such as the Amazonia, and to highlight the importance of Peruvian photography from the last decades or video installations.

A narrative thread unites the great exhibitions on the development of Peruvian art through large exhibitions such as Nasca, a pre­Columbian culture with a surprising artistic quality in the Fundación Telefónica Space; the exhibit Avant­garde networks: Amauta and Latin America, 1926­1930, on the Latin American intellectual movement with indigenist artists that will be hosted by the Reina Sofía National Museum; the programme The Guest Work at the Prado Museum will present a picture that represents the religious and political alliances between the Incas and the Jesuits through the marriage of Martín de Loyola and of Mrs. Beatriz Clara Coya Ñusta, and of Don Juan Borja with Lorenza Ñusta, a novel exhibition of contemporary Amazonian art in Matadero Madrid, titled Amazonia, as well as the selection of Video­translations: Gazes x Spaces, in the Conde Duque Cultural Centre.

Exhibitions by artists such as Armando Andrade Tudela, curated by the artist Daniel Steegmann, at the CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo; Raimond Chaves & Gilda Mantilla, in CentroCentro; Strata of a landscape. Contemporary Peruvian photography in the Jan Mulder collection, at Casa de América; Maya Watanabe, winner of the Han Nefkens Award, at La Casa Encendida; the Eduardo and Mariana Hochschild Collection, at the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts, and the Instante Fundación will host a show promoted by CIFO Europe with Peruvian artists from the collection of Ella Fontanals Cisneros and Alberto Rebaza Torres, Armando Andrade de Lucio, Juan Carlos Verme Giannoni, and others.

In addition to these, there are other exhibitions in the Museum of America, La Neomudéjar and Zapadores. City of the Arts, in addition to various spaces and galleries in Madrid.


80M2 LIVIA BENAVIDES* | Lima PERÚ | Ximena Garrido-Lecca + Rita Ponce de León

ALEXANDER AND BONIN* | New York USA | Fernando Bryce

BARBARA THUMM* | Berlin GERMANY | Teresa Burga + Antonio Paucar

CASADO SANTAPAU* | Madrid SPAIN | José Vera Matos

DEL PASEO | Lima PERÚ | Mariella Agois + Miguel Aguirre

ELBA BENITEZ* | Madrid SPAIN | Armando Andrade Tudela

FORUM | Lima PERÚ | Juan Enrique Bedoya + Flavia Gandolfo

GINSBERG* | Lima PERÚ | Claudia Martínez Garay

HENRIQUE FARIA* | Buenos Aires ARGENTINA | Herbert Rodríguez

IMPAKTO | Lima PERU | Javier Bravo de Rueda + Carlos Runcie Tanaka

JUANA DE AIZPURU* | Madrid SPAIN | Sandra Gamarra

PROJECTESD* | Barcelona SPAIN | Raimond Chaves + Gilda Mantilla

REVOLVER * | Lima PERÚ | Elena Damiani + Ishmael Randall Weeks

ROLF ART | Buenos Aires ARGENTINA | Milagros de la Torre + Roberto Huarcaya

WU* | Lima PERÚ | Alberto Casari + Ana Teresa Barboza

* Galleries also participating in the General Programme


Sharon Lerner, born in Lima, is the contemporary art curator at the Museum of Art in Lima (MALI). She received her Master's Degree in Curatorial Practice from the California College of the Arts (2010). In 2008, Lerner became a member of the curators team attached to the Visual Art Office in the Municipality of Miraflores, where she was involved in several exhibitions. In 2010, she received the Curator’s Fellowship 101 from the Wattis Institute of Contemporary Art, supported by the Kadist Art Foundation. Lerner is co-author of Fragmented Corpus: Actions in Lima, 1966-2000 (Corpus fragmentado: acciones en Lima, 1966-2000); Art Is Not Life: Actions by Artists from the Americas, 1960-2000 (Arte no es vida: acciones de artistas de las Américas, 1960-2000) (New York, Museo del Barrio, 2008) and Post-Illusions: New Visions, Art Criticism in Lima 1980-2006(Post-Ilusiones: Nuevas Visiones, Arte Crítico en Lima 1980-2006) (Lima, Fundación Wiese, 2007). She has edited the book Contemporary Art. Collection Lima Museum of Modern Art (Arte contemporáneo. Colección Museo de Arte Moderno de Lima (MALI, 2013), as well as catalogues on the work of Armando Andrade Tudela, Fernando Bedoya, Emilio Rodríguez Larraín and Jorge Eielson. Since 2013, she has been a member of the CIFO advisory committee. In 2015, she joined the team of curators for the research project Memories of Underdevelopment, organised by the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, California; the Lima Museum of Art MALI and Museum Jumex in Mexico, as part of the initiative Pacific Standard Time: LA / LA of the Getty Foundation.


Fietta Jarque, born in Lima, most of her career has been spent with the newspaper El País, in Spain. Editor and art critic in the Culture section, she was in charge of the Art pages of the supplement Babelia for over a decade. Since 2012, she has been the curator of several exhibitions in the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) in Lima. She is the author of the book How Artists Think (Cómo piensan los artistas), which gathers together 50 interviews with international contemporary artists, published in FCE in 2015. In 2016 she collaborated in the edition of Life Without an Owner (La vida sin dueño), memoirs of the painter Fernando de Szyszlo (Alfaguara).
