arteBA 2018: About the Fair

Apr 10, 2018 8:40PM

Image courtesy of arteBA

Hundreds of curators, galleries, artists, collectors and museum directors arrive in Buenos Aires from different parts of the country and the world to spend a week living the arteBA experience at one of the region’s leading fairs, renovated this year with new content and curators.

March 2018, Buenos Aires. The 27th edition of arteBA will open its doors to the public from Thursday, May 24 to Sunday, May 27 at La Rural (Palermo, Buenos Aires) with a renewed approach in its selection of curators and the Fair’s different sections, in which over 400 artists and more than 80 galleries from 14 countries will participate this year, with an enriched dialog between emerging and recognized artists and proposals involving performance, talks, debates and presentations.

With over 50% of the galleries coming from abroad and an extensive list of professionals and collectors convened for the occasion, arteBA figures as a key event on the international agenda for generating networks, exchange and collaboration. A week where art takes center stage and Buenos Aires’ galleries, cultural institutions and museums prepare to offer visitors the very best the city has to offer.

Among the main novelties, Stage is particularly outstanding: a new area of the Fair where the youngest galleries from the Main Section come together to present 9 cutting edge gallery propositions to the public. Also at each of the Fair’s entrances, there will be two invited art projects to welcome visitors, and so the adults can share the ‘arteBA experience” with their children, there will be a special space offering activities for the very young.

During the four days, the visitors will be able to meet a wide range of modern and contemporary art and participate in diverse options of activities like: art tours, conferences program, performances, book presentations and prizes, among others.


PLACE: La Rural. Avenida Sarmiento 2704, Buenos Aires Pabellones Azul y Verde (Blue and Green Pavilions)

DATES AND HOURS: May 24 to May 27, 2018 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm


arteBA Fundación’s Communications Department

Lucía Ledesma / Head of Communications and Editorial Projects Tel: +5411 4816-8704. Ext. 107 / [email protected]

Daniela Oviedo / Communications and Editorial Projects Assitant Tel: +5411 4816-8704. Ext. 111 / [email protected]

About arteBA Fundación

The fair is organized by the arteBA Fundación, a not for profit organization which since 1991 has worked for the purpose of supporting art production in Argentina and Latin America. The Foundation contributes, through various activities that take place throughout the year, to the development of the contemporary art market, to sparking debate on this theme, and to helping to promote the work of Latin American artists with the aim of positioning them within the world market.