arteBA Announces 2017 Curators

Feb 23, 2017 8:23PM

A team of professionals is in charge of the selection process of the Main Section and Barrio Joven Chandon. Ana María Battistozzi, Orly Benzacar, Eduardo Brandão, Ignacio Liprandi, Sabine Schmidt are the Selection Committee of Galleries for the Main Section while Raúl Flores and Miguel A. López are the Curatorial Team for Barrio Joven Chandon. The Cabinets in the Main Section are chosen by a Consultant Committee that this year is presided over Ana María Battistozzi, José Luis Blondet and Luiza Teixeira de Freitas. Chris Sharp will curate the international galleries for U-TURN Project Rooms while Sarah Demeuse and Javier Villa will curate Dixit’s exhibition. Cecilia Szalkowicz, Gastón Pérsico and Mariano Mayer will convene editorial projects to be part of Isla de Ediciones.

Images Courtesy of arteBA Fundación


Ana María Battistozzi

Member of the Selection 
Committee at Main Section
Member of the Consulting 
Committee of Cabinet

     Art critic and independent curator. She is has a degree in Arts from the University of Buenos Aires where she did her post-graduate studies in art theory and criticism.
     Professor of the Seminary Art Criticism in the career of Art at the University of Palermo and for Curatorial Practices in the Practice Guidance directed at the same university.
     Between 2000 and 2006 she was curator at Espacio Casa de la Cultura and directed the festival of contemporary art Estudio Abierto that took place in different areas of the City of Buenos Aires. As art critic for the newspaper Clarín in Buenos Aires, Ñ magazine and contributor to various media of Spain and Latin America, she has dealt with major international art platforms since 1994.


Orly Benzacar

Member of the Selection 
Committee at Main Section

     Orly Benzacar was born in Buenos Aires in 1956. She graduate in Biological Sciences, and area in which she worked as a researcher until 1990. Thereafter, she became a co-director of the gallery founded by her mother, Ruth Benzacar, in 1965. In the year 2000, on the sudden death of her mother, she took over as the gallery’s director. Since then, she has strengthened its already strong commitment to argentine contemporary art by participating in international fairs such as Art Basel Miami, Art Basel Basilea, MACO México, ArtBo Bogotá, ARCO Madrid as well as, locally, in arteBA. For ten years (2002-2012), she has held the “Curriculum cero” contest, an important spot for many artists of a new generation, now internationally established. In 2009, Mora Bacal, her daughter, join the gallery renewing and continuing this rich history of female gallerists.
     Today, from the new gallery space in Villa Crespo, she is strongly committed with the challenges of celebrating the 50 years of the gallery, assuming the commitment to continue exceeding the limits.


Eduardo Brandão

Member of the Selection 
Committee at Main Section

     He studied photography at Brooks Institute of Photography, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. From 1991 throught 2004, he worked as photo editor at the magazine department at the biggest circulating daily newspaper in Brazil, Folha de S.Paulo. From 1985 and onwards, Brandão has worked as professor of photography at the Fine Arts Department of the Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP) in São Paulo.
     As an independent curator, Brandão was responsible for the curatorship of the Iconógrafos (1991), at MAM (Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo); Horizonte Reflexivo (1998), Centro Cultural Light, São Paulo; Sob Medida (1999), Espaço Porto Seguro de Fotografia; Imagética (2003), MUMA (Museu Metropolitano de Arte de Curitiba); Histórias de mapas, piratas e tesouros (2010), Itaú Cultural, São Paulo; Marcados Para… – Claudia Andujar, Centro da Cultura Judaica, São Paulo (2011), among others.
     Brandão has been the co-owner of Galeria Vermelho, in São Paulo since 2002 and currently holds a chair on the Board of Directors of MAM São Paulo.


Ignacio Liprandi

Member of the Selection 
Committee at Main Section

     Ignacio Liprandi (Córdoba, 1969) is father of a daughter, he studied Business Administration at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA ) and Master in Political Sociology at Sciences Po.
     He lives in Buenos Aires and is an art collector since 1997. He opened his own contemporary art gallery in 2009. Interested in promoting artists on the international circuit he developed a major program of participation in fairs and a dynamic contact with curators of the international scene.


Sabine Schmidt

Member of the Selection 
Committee at Main Section

     Sabine Schmidt comes from a family that founded and owned a German metal construction company, named after her grandfather Paul Schmidt: PSM (Paul Schmidt Machineries). After studying Art History and Anthropology in 1993-2000 in Marburg, close to Frankfurt, she worked from 2000 till 2007 in several galleries in Berlin, such as Christian Nagel, Gerhardsen Gerner or Büro Friedrich, as well as the Museum ‘House of World Cultures’. Sabine Schmidt also ran the very successful project space KORRIDOR in her apartment in Berlin, founding her own gallery, PSM, in 2008. The program of the gallery focuses on conceptually and art historically oriented positions, and has both emerging and early career artists. PSM’s artists have been visible at the Venice Biennial, Performa in NY, Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin, Centre Pompidou in Paris, and several national and international institutions and galleries.


Raúl Flores

Member of the Curatorial Team of Barrio Joven

     Raúl Flores (Córdoba [Argentina] in 1965). He studied at the Provincial School of Fine Arts of Córdoba. In 1997/1998 he was awarded a scholarship to take part in the advanced program for young artists directed by Guillermo Kuitca. He briefly took up photography in the 90s. In 2001 he moved to Barcelona, where he founded, together with Paula Galli, the gallery Doque Arte Contemporáneo. In 2007 he returned to Argentina and published the art review Canecalón, together with Nushi Muntaabsky.
     From then on, he became actively involved in teaching, in 2010 creating, alongside Piero Sogno, “Yungas Arte Contemporáneo,” a training and production venue for artists of the younger generations, developing a first section in San Miguel de Tucumán that later was taken up in Mendoza, Corrientes and Córdoba.
     As an artist he has had various solo exhibitions in Argentina and abroad, in museums, cultural centers, galleries and international art fairs.


Cecilia Szalkowicz

Member of the Curatorial Team of Isla de Ediciones

     Cecilia Szalkowicz (Buenos Aires, 1972) is an artist, graphic designer and an amateur dj. A graduate from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Szalkowicz participated in the Advanced Program for Young Artists directed by Guillermo Kuitca between 2003 and 2005. She was also part of the collective Suscripción.
     In 2007 Szalkowicz received the CIFO–Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation Grant (Miami) for her project Copy-Paste: Random Wishes, together with Gastón Pérsico. In 2009 they realized Copy-Paste: AutoZine, second project of the series at the Second Triennial Poli/Gráfica of San Juan: Latin America and the Caribbean. Since 2006, they publish Script with Mariano Mayer, a free periodical distributed in Madrid and Buenos Aires.
     Between 2009 and 2011 she taught at the Artists Program at the Torcuato Di Tella University. As an artist she has had various exhibitions in Argentina and abroad. In 2014, Szalkowicz participated in the 12º Cuenca Biennial.


Mariano Mayer

Member of the Curatorial Team of Isla de Ediciones

     Mariano Mayer (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1971) is a poet and independent curator. Since 2002 he lives in Madrid. Among his latest projects as curator: Soy un libro que no he escrito ni he leído. Capítulo II (The Goma, Madrid, 2015); Omnidireccional (Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, 2015); Barrio Joven 2015, together with Manuela Moscoso (arteBA, Buenos Aires, 2015); Soy un libroque no he escrito ni he leído. Capítulo I (Mite, Buenos Aires 2014); Fisicismos, project organized together with Manuela Moscoso (Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires, 2013); June Crespo: Reverso (Have a Window, Torino, Italy, 2013); Visible, Móvil, vidente (Párraga Center, Murcia, Spain, 2012–2013); XXIII Circuitos de Artes Plásticas (Sala de Arte Joven de la Comunidad de Madrid, 2012); Cerrado, no oscuro (Blanca Soto Gallery, Madrid, 2011); Encabalgamientos (Alberto Sendrós Gallery, arteBA 2011, Buenos Aires) or Plano, peso, punto y medida (Torcuato Di Tella, University Buenos Aires, 2011).
     Mayer has published the following books, among others: Justus (Diputación de León e Instituto Leonés de Cultura, 2009); CAFÉ (Madrid, 2009); We are ugly but we have the music, with Iván Mezcua (Madrid, 2005) o Fanta (Corregidor, Buenos Aires, 2002). He collaborates with different publications such as NEO2 Magazine and El Estado Mental, and institutions such as CA2M and ARCOmadrid. He was awarded the First International Prize of Poetry Antonio González de Lama 2007 for his book Justus (León, Spain) and the First Prize in Literature, Octubre Foundation 2001 (Buenos Aires, Argentina), for his book Fanta. Mayer has been appointed as Curator of the Artists’ Program 2016, Torcuato Di Tella University. He is now preparing an anthology of texts of the Fluxus Movement (Caja Negra, Buenos Aires) and a book of essays (Consonni, Bilbao, Spain). Since 2007 together with Cecilia Szalkowicz and Gastón Pérsico he is the editor of SCRIPT, a publication on contemporary culture (Madrid – Buenos Aires).


Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy

Curadora de Solo Show

     Curator of contemporary art for the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection, New York and Caracas.
Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy organizes exhibitions and artistic events, publishes critics and essays, and teaches courses and seminars. Since 2011, she is the curator of contemporary art for the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection, a private non-profit foundation with offices in New York and Caracas. Her recent exhibitions include the 9th Mercosul Biennial | Porto Alegre, “Si el tiempo lo permite” (2013), which took place in Brazil, “Caminar juntos – Mario García Torres” (2016) at the Tamayo Museum in Mexico City, where she served as a director years ago; as well as ” Santuario – Andrea Bowers” and “Hogar- Andrea Aragón”, both currently presented at The Bronx Museum of the Arts in New York. To see documentation of her projects 



Javier Villa

Member of the Curatorial Team of Dixit

     Javier Villa (Buenos Aires, 1978) has a degree in Arts from the University of Buenos Aires. He participated in Appel Curatorial Programme 2010-2011, Amsterdam. Since 2013 he works as a contemporary art curator at the Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art. He is also a member of the Rosa Chancho group of artists since 2005. As an independent curator, he curated several exhibitions in institutions in Argentina and abroad. He taught at the Di Tella University and wrote articles for the newspaper La Nación, magazines Los Inrockuptibles and Otra Parte, among other publications.


Sarah Demeuse

Member of the Curatorial Team of Dixit

     Sarah Demeuse (Belgium/US) makes exhibitions and books, translates, writes, and reads about art and beyond. For the last six years, she has mostly worked at Rivet, a curatorial office she founded together with Manuela Moscoso. They focus on longer-term projects in close collaboration with artists, often in formats other than exhibitions. Demeuse was a member of the 9th Mercosul Biennial Porto Alegre curatorial team in 2013 and she has independently worked on a variety of exhibition and mediation projects in Argentina (Agatha Costure), Brasil (32nd Bienal de São Paulo), Mexico (Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil), Spain (Espai Cultural Caja Madrid) and the U.S. (Goethe Institut New York, ISCP, Kiria Koula, P!). As editor, she has realized book projects with Archive Books, Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite, Project Projects and Roma Publications. Demeuse holds an MA in Curatorial Studies from CCS Bard (2010) and has a PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures from UC Berkeley, specializing in art criticism and mass media experimentation in early twentieth-century Spain and Catalonia. Between 2004 and 2008, she taught literature and Spanish culture at Columbia University. She is currently faculty in the Curatorial Practice Program at SVA. Her writings about and around art have appeared in catalogs and publications, such as Art Papers, Art in America, Bulletins of The Serving Library, Frieze, Paper Monument, Red Hook, Witte de With Review. Now is editor and investigator of dos—a site for voices and exhibitions—taking the shape of a podcast series and website that will launch in early 2017.


Miguel A. López

Member of the Curatorial Team of Barrio Joven

     Miguel A. López (Lima, 1983) is a writer, researcher and curator in chief of TEOR/éTica, San José, Costa Rica. His texts and essays have been published in magazines such as Afterall, E-flux journal, Art Journal, ramona, Manifesta Journal, The Exhibitionist, and the Journal of Visual Culture. Outstanding among his recent exhibitions are Frágiles [Fragile Things:]. Patricia Belli. Obras [Works] 1986-2015 at TEOR/éTica, in San José (2016); Teresa Burga. Estructuras de Aires [Structures of Airs] at MALBA, Buenos Aires (co-curated with Agustín Pérez Rubio, 2015); the section Dios es marica [God Is a Fag], for the 31st Bienal de São Paulo (2014); and Perder la forma humana. Una imagen sísmica de los años 80 en América Latina [Losing Human Form: A Seismic Image of the Latin American ‘80s], in collaboration with the Red Conceptualismos del Sur [Southern Conceptualisms Network], Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid (2012). He is the co-founder of Bisagra, an independent visual arts space opened in Lima functioning since 2014.


José Luis Blondet

Member of the Consulting Committee of Cabinet

     José Luis Blondet is curator of special projects at LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art), where he organizes exhibitions and curate performance projects and public programs. In the LACMA he has organized exhibitions as Compass for Surveyors (2013), Various Small Fires (2015) and El mito de lo singular (2015), originated from one cycle of performances by the artist Liz Glynn. As an independent curator, Blondet organized the El rayo que cayó dos veces en el mismo sitio, (2014) in the ruins of a convent in La Antigua, Guatemala (Concepción 41) and more recently the esxhibition [SIC] [SIC] Obras de la colección del CAPC (2016-19) in Bordeaux, France. Today is one of the LACMA curators participating in the initiative of the Getty, Pacific Standard Time: Pacific Standard Time: LA/ LA (Los Angeles/ Latin America), in 2017.
     Previously, Blondet worked at the Dia Art Foundation (New York), the Museum of Fine Arts in Caracas and the Central University of Venezuela, where he was professor of the School of Letters.


Luiza Teixeira De Freitas

Member of the Consulting Committee of Cabinet

     Luiza Teixeira de Freitas is an independent curator working from Lisbon, involved in a variety of independent projects. Recent exhibitions include: El que camina al lado, Travesía Cuatro (Madrid, 2015); SEM SABER QUANDO VIRÁ O AMANHECER…, Silvia Cintra + BOX4 (Rio de Janeiro, 2015); An Infinite Conversation, Museu Berardo (Lisbon, 2014); Apestraction by Damián Ortega, Freud Museum (London, 2013); In Lines and Realignments, Simon Lee Gallery (London, 2013); The Exact Weight of Lightness, Travesía Cuatro (Madrid, 2012); Like Tears in Rain, Palácio das Artes (Porto, 2010); The Moon is an Arrant Thief, David Roberts Art Foundation (London, 2010).
     She is also actively involved with artists’ books and independent publishing projects, as well as being the curator for a number of private collections. Teixeira de Freitas was Development Organiser for Chisenhale Gallery, London (2011-13); worked on special projects for Alexander and Bonin, NY (2006-12) and kurimanzutto (2008-12); was assistant curator for the Marrakech Biennial Works and Places (2009) and collaborated at Tate Modern in the exhibitions of Cildo Meireles and Cy Twombly (2008). She is a trustee at the Chisenhale Gallery in London and a strategic advisor for Delfina Foundation, London.


Chris Sharp

Curator at U-TURN Project Rooms by Mercedes-Benz

     Chris Sharp (United States, 1974) is a writer and independent curator based in Mexico City, where he and the Mexican artist Martin Soto Climent run the project space Lulu. A selection of recent exhibitions includes Against Nature, co-curated with Edith Jerabkova at the National Gallery of Prague (2016); As if in a foreign country, at Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Vienna (2016); A Change of Heart, at Hannah Hoffman gallery, LA; The Secret and Abiding Politics of Stones (2015-2016) at Casa del Lago, Mexico City; The Lulennial: A Slight Gestuary at Lulu, Mexico City, co-curated with Fabiola Iza (2015); The Registry of Promise at La Fondazione Giuliani, Rome, 2014, Le Parc St. Léger, Pougues-les-Eaux, France, 2014, Le Crédac, Ivry, France, 2014, and De Vleeshal, Middelburg, Holland, 2015; The 12th Swiss Sculpture Exhibition in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland, entitled Le Mouvement, co-curated with Gianni Jetzer, 2014; and Manners of Matter, Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg, 2014. He is currently preparing exhibitions at kurimanzutto, Mexico City; Pivo, São Paulo, and Le Nouveau Musée National de Monaco. He is a contributing editor of Art Review and Art-Agenda, and his writing has appeared in many magazines, on-line publications and catalogs.


Gastón Persico

Member of the Curatorial Team of Isla de Ediciones

     Gastón Pérsico (Buenos Aires, 1972) is an artist, graphic designer and an amateur dj. He was awarded a scholarship to take part in the Program for Visual Artists Rojas UBA/Kuitca 2003-2005 and he took part of the 2010 Program at the Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas CIA. He was part of the collective Suscripción (1999-2005).
     In 2006, he was awarded the Second Prize arteBA-Petrobras for Heavy Mental Records, a project that fuses contemporary philosophy with heavy metal. In 2007, he was awarded the CIFO–Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation Grant (Miami), for the project Copy-Paste: Random Wishes, with Cecilia Szalkowicz. In 2009 they realized Copy-Paste: AutoZine, second project for the series at the Second Triennial Poli/Gráfica of San Juan: Latin America and the Caribbean.
     He published Humo [Smoke] in 2011. Since 2006, he publishes together with Cecilia Szalkowicz and Mariano Mayer the free periodical Script.


Agustín Pérez Rubio

Prime Time Open Forum Coordinator

     Pérez Rubio was born in Valencia in 1972. He graduated in Art History at the University of Valencia. He has been curator of more than 120 exhibitions in different museums, art centers, and biennials of Europe mostly, and in Latin America. Between 2002 and 2013, he held the position of Chief Curator and Director at MUSAC, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León. There,  he performed his most important curatorial work, including outstanding exhibitions of Pierre Huyghe, Julie Mehretu, Dora Garcia, Pipiloti Rist, Sejima + Nishizawa / SANAA, Elmgreen and Dragset, Harum Farocki, Dave Muller, Ana Laura Aláez, Ugo Rondinone , Azucena Vietes and Lara Almarcegui, among others. Later, as independent curator, he held individual exhibitions of artists such as Superflex, Sophie Calle, Nestor Sanmiguel Diest, Rosangela Rennó or Carlos Garaicoa, among others.
     He has been the Artistic Director of MALBA since May 2014, where he is responsible for the museum’s exhibit, education and research program. Within this framework, he has generated a program with socio-political and feminist content dedicated to Latin American women artists, which have included artists such as Teresa Burga, Annemarie Heinrich, Claudia Andujar, and Alicia Penalba among others. He curated many of the exhibits of that program. In addition, he has worked with Andrea Giunta in the new curatorial script of the MALBA Collection under the title VERBOAMÉRICA, which began to be exhibited in September 2016. More recently he has curated exhibitions of artists such as Jorge Macchi, Yoko Ono (Co-curated with Gunnar Kvaran), Voluspa Jarpa, Carlos Motta, the performative project Experiencia Infinita, and the retrospective of the Canadian art collective entitled “General Idea: Tiempo partido”, co-produced with the Jumex Museum.
