Hong Kong Dimensions 12 May - 16 June 2018

Blue Lotus Gallery
May 30, 2018 5:51AM

Four artists find inspiration in Hong Kong's myriad dimensions.

This exhibition explores Hong Kong in all its dimensions from above and under, its back alleys, its every day moments in old neighbourhoods, and its collision with nature. Driven by curiosity or a desire for preserving its cultural heritage, each artist expresses his personal testimonial of their beloved city in their own special way from descriptive to fantastical and whimsical. Breaking through the photograph Hong Kong Dimensions brings you work that plays with layers in space and time, where still life comes to life, where the real looks fake and the manipulated looks natural. Having its corner stone in photography, artists final form varies in distinctive ways from 2D, expanding to 3D work, hand drawings and even moving collages resulting in unique pieces that reveal talent beyond photography. Most of the works that will be shown are unique pieces, ranging from the the extreme handmade to the hyper digital.

Daphné Mandel "Back Alleys Backstage" [Hong Kong, 2018]

Pete Ross "Organic Form" [Hong Kong, 2018]

Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze  "Concrete Canyon" [Hong Kong, 2018]

Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze "Jumping Rope" [Hong Kong2018]

Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze "In Daddy’s Arms" [Hong Kong, 2017]

Blue Lotus Gallery