NEW FILM SECTION | CHART DESIGN |Ex Situ. Samples of Lifeforms

Aug 14, 2017 9:55AM

Marina Abramović, A still from The Current (2017), Duration 60 minutes. Photo credit: Courtesy of Galleri Brandstrup, Oslo


CHART is pleased to introduce CHART ART FAIR FILM as a new section of the fair. The film programme offers a series of scheduled screenings that will be presented in the new and specially designed cinema in Kunsthal Charlottenborg. CHART ART FAIR FILM will extend beyond the dates of the fair and will be included as part of Kunsthal Charlottenborg's programme. The programme will present films by CHART gallery artists including a premier of Marina Abramović's The Current (2017) (Galleri Brandstrup), Maria Friberg's Matador (2015) (Galleri Andersson/Sandström), NUG Territorial Pissing (Gallery Steinsland Berliner), Tuomas A. Laitinen The Powder of Sympathy (2015) (Helsinki Contemporary), Sigurður Guðjónsson Distance (2012) (BERG Contemporary) and Steina Distant Activities (1972) (BERG Contemporary).

Lillian Tørlen, Resonance. Photo credit: Lillian Tørlen


Inaugurated in 2016 as part of CHART ART FAIR, CHART DESIGN will this year present a curated programme entitled WHAT IT IS, WHEN IT IS NOT. The programme focuses on the ambiguity of design and will include a series of talks, performative lectures and public space projects. WHAT IT IS, WHEN IT IS NOT acts as a prelude to the expansion of CHART DESIGN into an increasingly adventurous fair, exhibition and communication platform hosted in a unique off-site location in 2018.

Amongst others WHAT IT IS, WHEN IT IS NOT includes Norwegian ceramicist Lillian Tørlen. Tørlen is interested in how people experience 
their immediate surroundings and uses sculpture and installation to invite the viewer to re-evaluate spaces and materials in form and function. Her site-specific project Resonance is a sprawling installation comprising multiple porcelain sheets made for the Copenhagen architecture on the route between Kunsthal Charlottenborg and Copenhagen Contemporary. The handmade sheets resemble pieces of paper or handkerchiefs scattered by the wind and caught in cracks of brick walls, lamp posts and balconies.

CHART DESIGN is supported by Nordic Culture Point, Denmark's National Bank Anniversary Foundation, Norwegian Crafts and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for this project.

More information here

Ex Situ. Samples of Lifeforms  Photo credit: Lauren Huret

Ex Situ. Samples of Lifeforms

A Kassen
Martin Erik Andersen
Alan Bogana
Tacita Dean
Roni Horn
Lauren Huret
Dominique Koch
Lena Maria Thüring
Keith Tyson

Hannah Weinberger
Pedro Wirz

CHART is pleased to present Ex Situ. Samples of Lifeforms in collaboration with Copenhagen Contemporary and the City of Basel: An international group exhibition with artists and works addressing the constantly changing conditions of forms of life on planet Earth. At a time of accelerating transformations in global ecosystems, humans and other animals leave and lose their natural habitat. The exhibition reflects the unruly state of migrating species trying to adapt to a new world where nature, culture and technology are inextricably entangled and enmeshed.

More information about the exhibition here

Four curators – Alice Wilke and Claire Hoffmann (Basel), Jannie Haagemann and Toke Lykkeberg (Copenhagen) – have created this exhibition in collaboration, which primarily features newly produced works by highly accomplished and upcoming artists from Swiss and Nordic contexts.

The exhibition will launch during CHART 31 August 2017 and will stay open until 26 November 2017.