
11 Instagram Feeds You Need to Follow This Art Basel Miami Week

Artsy Editorial
Nov 24, 2014 10:08PM

The ever-increasing influence of and access to contemporary art on Instagram has been one of the hot topics of the past year or so. For those who aren’t going to Art Basel in Miami Beach, it’s also the perfect way to voyeuristically see what you’re missing. Apart from Art Basel and NADA’s own accounts, obvious mega-curators and publication feeds like Artforum, Mousse, Art Papers, Kaleidoscope, and Artsy of course, here are 12 other Instagrammers that should be providing some good, varied snaps from the best booths and booze-laden nights.

Adam Lindemann

Art advisor and Venus over Manhattan founder Lindemann is an obvious heavyweight choice for Basel. He didn’t get 1.65k followers for nothing. Follow for good art images, some of the art world’s most amusing characters, race cars, and images of animals in an art world context—from pigeons to puppies to fat fish.

Peres Projects

Javier Perés’ gallery’s feed is always a good way to keep in touch with their artists and whatever big museum shows are on in town (as well as his own obsession with African art). Expect less party shots and much more art—and his ever-present sense of humor.

Kathy Grayson

Grayson’s adorable dog Bert (who deservedly has his own popular account) is always a star at her NADA stand. Grayson has always had a good eye for online art documentation since her days at Deitch and this is a perfect forum for her offbeat eye.

Stefan Simchowitz

It is fair to assume that L.A.’s most infamous collector-promoter-flogger of young art is going to be at Miami. His own rather amusing interventions with artworks are interspersed with images of hot young things that are bound to get new collectors excited.

Andrea Rosen

Andrea Rosen’s Instagram feels quite personal compared to most, with images of the gallerist with friends around the world and occasionally an archive photo from her younger party days. Good for people who like a nosy insight into the life behind the art.

Nicolo Cardi

Milanese Cardi Gallery has more of a focus on secondary market modern works alongside its dabbling in the contemporary, but the gallery’s eponymous owner has a great, fresh-feeling feed that is often monochrome, with lots of text pieces and a European take on contemporary art.

Gavin Brown

Brown’s feed often captures videos from events at his New York gallery, amusing pics of art world parties, and the latest output from his impressive artists’ projects. This is an Instagram feed that is colorful, fun and, occasionally loud.

Andre Saraiva

Paris club Le Baron is one of the main after-hours pop-up parties in Miami, with a guaranteed line cluster outside its doors. Andre is always doing something in the city art-wise during Basel and if you want a dose of Parisian “supercool,” follow him.

Simon de Pury

Everyone’s favourite auctioneer (and star of the addictively bad, axed TV show Work of Art) has a great feed with a strong focus on well-shot close-ups of the artworks that float his boat—from Picasso to Condo—architectural insights from around the world, and some off-duty art party pics.

Derek Blasberg

Blasberg has made a living out of his delightful party presence—which almost feels like a modern take on an 18th-century courtier. If there are any good parties and any celebrities at all in Miami, Blasberg is guaranteed to be there. A perfect feed for art voyeurs.

Emmanuel Perrotin

Perrotin used to have his own space in Miami and often still throws a great party in the city. One of the main stars of this Frenchman’s feed is the gallerist himself—posing with everyone from JR to Lionel Richie to Jesper Just, which can’t help but raise a smile. If Pharrell is in Miami, you’ll see it here first.

Francesca Gavin (aka roughversion

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