
247365’s MacGregor Harp and Jesse Greenberg: Art Makers, Art Dealers

Artsy Editorial
May 5, 2014 3:43PM

Both MacGregor Harp and Jesse Greenberg, co-founders of the youthful galleries known as 247365 (as in: art 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year), arrived at careers as dealers unconventionally. “I’ve never had a job in the arts,” states Harp. “I got into curating through making and editing artist books.” Adds Greenberg: “I studied sculpture at RISD and then Columbia and retain a core group of friends from those experiences. I’ve always worked collaboratively, whether it was on artwork, or helping to coordinate events. Running a gallery came naturally to me, as it was an intersection of my love of art and bringing people and ideas together.” This heady brew of art, ideas, people, and passion comes together in the two spaces that form 247365. The first is located on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, where bialys meet bars; Harp and Greenberg describe it as being focused “on solo presentations where we hand keys to an artist to come up with the installation and how to present the work.” The other, tucked beneath Brooklyn’s BQE, in Carroll Gardens, is a site for the duo’s program to “explore affinities and pairings between artists.”

For their booth at this year’s NADA New York fair, they have turned to Jamian Juliano-Villani, who promises to fill it with a site-specific, multi-part painting abuzz with cartoonish images inspired by the swirl of urban life, comic books, street art, and our cacophonous mass media culture. Eager viewers will have to wait until the opening of the fair to learn more, as Harp and Greenberg explain: “Because the work is still being produced for the booth we can’t get too specific yet. Jamian is an artist who must be given the room to evolve her thinking as she is producing work.” This generosity, and their trust in artists’ visions, is in keeping with their approach to all of the artists with whom they work—ensuring their gallery presentations are always popping.

247365 is on view at NADA New York 2014, Project, Booth P11, May 9th – 11th. 

At right, view additional artists who will be presented by 247365 at NADA New York, including Carlos Reyes, Eli Ping, Al Freeman, and Nick Payne.

Explore NADA New York 2014 on Artsy.

Artsy Editorial