
The Top 5 Saved Artworks from The Armory Show

Artsy Editorial
Mar 17, 2013 6:18PM

It seems that 100 years after the first Armory Show scandalized New York, we still have a taste for radical invention: Delvoye, Hashimoto and Saraceno’s sculptures turn somewhat conventional objects—mirrors, a car tire, and (intricately painted) disks of paper—into artworks that transcend the material's mundanity. Meanwhile, Foerster and Brandt’s photographic works were soaked not only in developing chemicals but also in lake water and Hurricane Sandy’s tides. How’s that for radical? 

5. Matthew Brandt, Convict Lake, CA 2

4. Tomas Saraceno, Tucana

3. Jacob Hashimoto, A Hundred Years of Sleep

2. Wim Delvoye, Untitled (car tire)

1. Ryan Foerster, Untitled

Artsy Editorial