
Trending Artists Under 35

Artsy Editorial
May 6, 2014 8:10PM

If ever there was a place to spot artists on the rise, NADA New York, a fair known for debuting under-recognized art and emerging talents, is your place to begin. Using data from our online preview, we’ve pulled together the top ten trending artists under the age of 35; if the following names sound familiar, it’s because they’ve been cropping up in exhibitions across the globe. And if they don’t, then learn them, quick! 

10. Evan Gruzis: Recently featured in Artsy’s contributing editor Francesca Gavin’s “Top ten artists working in monochrome” for Dazed, Brooklyn-based artist Evan Gruzis will exhibit at NADA New York with DUVE Berlin, on the heels of his opening with the gallery in Berlin.

9. Chris Succo: Named one of “25 Artists to Watch in 2014” by Complex Magazine, Dusseldorf-born abstract painter Chris Succo will exhibit at NADA with DUVE Berlin and in the fall, will open a solo exhibition at the gallery.

8. Ethan Cook: Brooklyn-based painter Ethan Cook is known for his process-focused, hand-woven canvases, like the sewn and stitched work we spotted at the Hole’s “XTRACTION” show last summer. Like Succo, Cook was named among “25 Artists to Watch in 2014.” 

7. Hayal Pozanti: Turkish-born Yale MFA grad Hayal Pozanti paints colorful, abstract compositions featuring bold, interlocking, and overlapping forms redolent of machine parts and technology. Early this year, Pozanti gave Artsy a tour behind the scenes of her Queens studio—conveniently housed in the same building as Regina Rex, the artist-run exhibition space that will show her work at NADA.

6. Alexander Tovborg: We learned more about Danish-born, Berlin-based Alexander Tovborg from gallerist Nicelle Beauchene, who will bring a series of paintings by the artist to NADA New York. Tovborg’s ‘Bocca Baciata’ series traces a wide-ranging continuum between the mythical and cultural explorations of the dinosaur, organized belief and religious systems, as well as psychological theories and phenomena,” she told Artsy. 

5. Margo Wolowiec: “I am concerned with the slippages that occur when information is translated from one source to another, where meaning shifts and migrates, and data becomes malleable,” San Francisco-based artist Margo Wolowiec says of her best known works, which feature hand-woven textiles inspired by television screen glitches.

4. Max Brand: German artist Max Brand is known to use a wide range of media—spray paint, sidewalk chalk, marker, collage—for incorporating far-reaching references, from German Expressionism to Japanese anime, and countless genres in-between.

3. Kadar BrockIn Kadar Brock’s large-scale abstract paintings, a discordant combination of techniques, styles, and colors come together in clashing tension. By turns described as a post-graffiti and “casualist” artist, Brock riffs on the history of abstraction, employing old tropes and marshalling simple patterns and crude geometric forms into his works, while also inviting an element of chance to determine his markings.

2. Sara Cwynar: Vancouver-born, Brooklyn-based artist Sara Cwynar works in photography, installation, and book-making, and is known both for her still lifes and for images made using a combination of old-fashioned techniques and new photographic technologies.

1. Matthew Brandt: Calling his approach “a little bit messy and experimental,” Matthew Brandt produces large-scale photographs through labor-intensive processes recalling the 19th-century origins of photography, often incorporating the physical matter of the subject itself. See Brandt’s new “Dust” series at NADA, a series of sodium gum bichromate prints featuring historic architectural images of New York. 

Explore NADA New York 2014 on Artsy.

Artsy Editorial